NPR Atlanta – Sept. 18, 2016 – Professor Ciara Torres-Spelliscy

Professor Ciara Torres-Spelliscy is quoted in the NPR Atlanta story, “Outside Money Injects Doubt Into Henry County DA Race.”  … » Read more

Tampa Bay Times – Sept. 18, 2016 – Professor Charles Rose

Professor Charles Rose is quoted in the front page Tampa Bay Times article, “Tampa man shoots father of three, then calls ‘stand your ground’ hotline.”… » Read more

Corporate Governance – Sept. 19, 2016 – Professor Ciara Torres-Spelliscy

Professor Ciara Torres-Spelliscy’s new book Corporate Citizen? is featured on the Corporate Governance blog.… » Read more

Tampa Bay Business Journal – Sept. 16, 2016 – Associate Dean Darryl Wilson

Darryl Wilson was recently named Associate Dean for Faculty and Strategic Initiatives at Stetson University College of Law according to the Tampa Bay Business Journal.… » Read more

Harvard Crimson – Sept. 9, 2016 – Professor Peter Lake

Professor Peter Lake was quoted in The Harvard Crimson’s Sept. 9 article, “Harvard Releases Six Years of Admission Data for Lawsuit.”… » Read more

Florida Public Radio – Sept. 9, 2016 – Professor Ciara Torres-Spelliscy

Professor Ciara Torres-Spelliscy was interviewed by Florida Public Radio about the process of postponing elections during severe storms such as Hurricane Hermine.… » Read more

WUSF – Sept. 9, 2016 – Professor Ciara Torres-Spelliscy

Ciara Torres-Spelliscy was interviewed by WUSF for the piece, “What Happens When Elections Take a Rain Check” which aired Sept. 9.… » Read more

Wall Street Journal – Sept. 8, 2016 – Professor Ciara Torres-Spelliscy

Professor Ciara Torres-Spelliscy was quoted in the Wall Street Journal about political contributions for the article, “Big Banks Don’t Follow Goldman on Trump Donation Ban” on Sept. 8.… » Read more

Legal Theory Blog – Sept. 6, 2016 – Professor Louis Virelli

Professor Louis Virelli’s abstract of his law review article “Transparency and Policy Making at the Supreme Court” was published on Legal Theory Blog.… » Read more

Baltimore Sun – Sept. 6, 2016 – Professor Ellen Podgor

Professor Ellen Podgor was quoted in the Sept. 6 The Baltimore Sun article, “Judge dismisses insurance fraud case against Fallstone resident, pharmacy owner.” The story also ran in My informs, Carroll County Times Online, and Pharmacy Choice.… » Read more

Christian Science Monitor – Sept. 2, 2016 – Professor Peter Lake

Professor Peter Lake is quoted in the Christian Science Monitor article, “Brock Turner released: California considers mandatory sentence for rape.”… » Read more

Tampa Bay Times – Aug. 27, 2016 – Associate Dean Michael Allen

Associate Dean Michael Allen is quoted in the Tampa Bay Times article, “Leaders Seek Zika Help.”… » Read more