Harvard Crimson – Sept. 27, 2015 – Professor Peter Lake

Professor Peter Lake is quoted in the Harvard Crimson article, “Admissions Officers Prepare for Questions on Sexual Assault.”… » Read more

Tampa Tribune – Sept. 27, 2015 – Professor Lance Long

Professor Lance Long is quoted in the Tampa Tribune article, “Tampa trio in DUI setup casts light on legal discipline.”… » Read more

Yale Daily News – Sept. 25, 2015 – Professor Peter Lake

Professor Peter Lake is quoted in the Yale Daily News article, “Survey points to high rates of sexual assault in Ivy League.”… » Read more

The Chronicle of Higher Education – Sept. 24, 2015 – Professor Peter Lake

Professor Peter Lake is quoted in the Chronicle of Higher Education article, “One Hazing Death, Dozens of Charges, and Questions About Making a Frat Come Clean.”… » Read more

Columbia Spectator – Sept. 21, 2015 – Professor Peter Lake

Professor Peter Lake is quoted in the Sept. 21 Columbia Spectator article, “Columbia looks to DOMA attorney in Nungesser case for victory in court of public opinion.”… » Read more

Harvard Crimson – Sept. 17, 2015 – Professor Peter Lake

Professor Peter Lake is quoted in the Harvard Crimson article, “As Khurana Meets With Final Clubs, He Has Many Options.”… » Read more

Bay News 9 – Sept. 15, 2015 – Professor Louis Virelli

Professor Louis Virelli did an interview with Bay News 9 that aired Sept. 15 about the Clerk of Court in Kentucky who refuses to sign same-sex marriage certificates.… » Read more

10News – Sept. 14, 2015 – Dr. T. Wayne Bailey

Dr. T. Wayne Bailey spoke with 10News for the Sept. 14 story, “Questions of influence: Tampa’s political kingmaker.”… » Read more

TruthOut – Sept. 11, 2015 – Professor Ciara Torres-Spelliscy

On Sept. 11, Truth Out quoted Law Professor Ciara Torres-Spelliscy in an article titled “Clinton Proposes Campaign Finance Reform While Raking in Millions From Wall Street Since 2008.”… » Read more

Bay News 9 – Sept. 10, 2015 – Adjunct Professor Jeff Brown

Adjunct Professor and Law alumnus Jeff Brown did an interview that aired Sept. 10 on Bay News 9 about “Economic Crimes Sentencing.”… » Read more

Harvard Crimson – Sept. 10, 2015 – Professor Peter Lake

Professor Peter Lake is quoted in the Sept. 10 Harvard Crimson article, “When It Rescinds Admission, Harvard Weighs Several Factors.”… » Read more

Reuters – Sept. 10, 2015 – Professor Ellen Podgor

Professor Ellen Podgor spoke with Reuters Sept. 10 for the story, “New U.S. prosecution policy is recipe for corporate conflict: lawyers.”… » Read more