Tampa Bay Times – Aug. 14, 2015 – Professor Charles Rose

Professor Charles Rose is quoted in the Aug. 14 Tampa Bay Times article, “Man’s SEAL Team 6 impression ranks as felony.”… » Read more

Chronicle of Higher Education – Aug. 14, 2015 – Professor Peter Lake

Professor Peter Lake is quoted in the Aug. 14 Chronicle of Higher Education article, “New Campus-Safety Assessment Tool Aims to Help Colleges Help Themselves.”… » Read more

Huffington Post – Aug. 13, 2015 – Professor Peter Lake

Professor Lake is quoted in the Aug. 13 Huffington Post article, “University Of Kansas Under More Scrutiny On Sexual Assault Cases.”… » Read more

CRI Radio – Aug. 10, 2015 – Professor Charles Rose

On Aug. 10,  Professor Charles H. Rose was featured in a segment by the Beijing Hour CRI Radio China regarding the anniversary of Ferguson shooting.… » Read more

Tampa Bay Times – Aug. 8, 2015 – Associate Dean and Professor of Law Susan Rozelle

On Aug. 8, The Tampa Bay Times interviewed Associate Dean and Professor of Law Susan Rozelle regarding the necessity defense in the Doug Hughes’ gyrocopter case.… » Read more

IT News – Aug. 7, 2015 – Professor Peter Lake

On Aug. 7, Professor Peter Lake was interviewed by IT News regarding a new integrated framework for improving campus safety called the 32 National Campus Safety Initiative.… » Read more

Bloomberg – Aug. 3, 2015 – Dean Christopher Pietruszkiewicz

Dean Christopher Pietruszkiewicz is quoted in the Bloomberg article, “Are Law Schools Skewing Job Placement Numbers.”… » Read more

The Chronicle of Higher Education – Aug. 3, 2015 – Professor Peter Lake

The Aug. 3 Chronicle of Higher Education quotes Professor Peter Lake in the article, “Do Fraternities Have a Place on the Modern Campus?”… » Read more

JDJournal – Aug. 3, 2015 – Dean Christopher Pietruszkiewicz

Dean Pietruszkiewicz’ quote in the Wall Street Journal in the article, “Law Schools Fight Bar Association Over How Graduates’ Jobs Are Counted,” was picked up by the JDJournal.… » Read more

Wall Street Journal – July 30, 2015 – Dean Christopher Pietruszkiewicz

Dean Christopher Pietruszkiewicz is quoted in the July 30 Wall Street Journal article, “Law Schools Fight Bar Association Over How Graduates’ Jobs Are Counted.”… » Read more

The Ledger – July 28, 2015 – Dean Emeritus and Professor of Law Bruce Jacob

Dean Emeritus and Professor of Law Bruce Jacob spoke with the Ledger for the story, “Leak: PCSO Detective Sought Hacking Software.”… » Read more

Tampa Bay Times – July 21, 2015 – Professor Roberta Flowers

Professor Roberta Flowers is quoted in the Tampa Bay Times article, “Jury selection in latest Dontae Morris case a slow, delicate task.”… » Read more