Inside Higher Education – June 30, 2015 – Professor Peter Lake

Inside Higher Education quoted director of the Center for Excellence in Higher Education and Professor of Law Peter Lake on June 30 in an article addressing the increased use of external adjudicators in Title IX claims of sexual assault. The story also ran in MyInforms.… » Read more

The Brennan Center for Justice – June 30, 2015 – Professor Ciara Torres-Spelliscy

Professor Ciara Torres-Spelliscy wrote the article, “A Full Loaf for Democracy,” for the Brennan Center for Justice.… » Read more

SCOTUSblog – June 29, 2015 – Associate Dean and Professor of Law Susan Rozelle

Associate Dean and Professor of Law Susan Rozelle is cited in the SCOTUSblog and Supreme Court opinion in Glossip v. Gross.… » Read more

Tampa Tribune – June 27, 2015 – Associate Dean and Professor of Law Michael Allen

Associate Dean and Professor of Law Michael Allen spoke with the Tampa Tribune for the story, “Supreme Court extends same-sex marriage to all states.”… » Read more

Star-Banner – June 26, 2015 – Associate Dean and Professor of Law Michael Allen

Associate Dean and Professor of Law Michael Allen did an interview with the Star-Banner for the story, “Local, state reaction to Supreme Court ruling on same-sex marriage.”… » Read more

Tampa Bay Times – June 25, 2015 – Associate Dean and Professor of Law Michael Allen

Associate Dean and Professor of Law Michael Allen spoke with the Tampa Bay Times about the Supreme Court’s decision in King v. Burwell.… » Read more

Bay News 9 – June 25, 2015 – Associate Dean and Professor of Law Michael Allen

Associate Dean and Professor of Law Michael Allen discussed the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in the King v. Burwell case for the Bay News 9 noontime news program.… » Read more

Moyers & company – June 23, 2015 – Professor Ciara Torres-Spelliscy

Professor Ciara Torres-Spelliscy is included among the June 23 Campaign Finance Election Morning Reads on Moyers & company.… » Read more

Bloomberg Law – June 23, 2015 – Associate Dean and Professor of Law Michael Allen

Associate Dean and Professor of Law Michael Allen, director of the Veterans Law Institute at Stetson, spoke with Bloomberg Law for the radio program on high profile Supreme Court cases that aired June 23. The program features prominent attorneys and legal scholars, analyzing major legal issues and cases in the news.… » Read more

History News Network – June 21, 2015 – Dean Emeritus and Professor of Law

Dean Emeritus and Professor of Law Bruce Jacob is quoted in the History News Network story, “The Man Who Lost the Gideon Case: An Interview with Bruce R. Jacob.”… » Read more

News-Journal – June 15, 2015 – Professor Charles Rose

Professor Charles Rose is quoted in the News-Journal article, “Highly publicized Volusia drug bust yields light punishment.”… » Read more

Tampa Bay Times – June 13, 2015 – Professor Roberta Flowers

Professor Roberta Flowers spoke with the Tampa Bay Times about a case of alleged elder neglect, death: “Family says woman begged to die at home; prosecutors say they neglected her.”… » Read more