Florida Times-Union – Feb. 21, 2015 – Dean Emeritus and Professor of Law Bruce Jacob

The Florida Times-Union Jacksonville spoke with Dean Emeritus and Professor of Law Bruce Jacob for the article, “Allied Veterans of the World: A Massive Scandal – or Just Overreach?”… » Read more

Forbes – Feb. 20, 2015 – Professor Rebecca Morgan

Professor  Rebecca Morgan spoke on a panel regarding Tackling the Retirement Gap and Elder Abuse according to the Forbes article, “Conference On Aging Forums Kick Off in Florida.”… » Read more

WUSF Health News Florida – Feb. 19, 2015 – Professor Rebecca Morgan

Professor Rebecca Morgan is quoted in the Feb. 19 WUSF Health News Florida story, “Aging Nation Tested by Health, Finances.”… » Read more

AARP magazine – Feb. 19, 2015 – Professor Rebecca Morgan

Professor Rebecca Morgan is quoted in AARP magazine regarding elder abuse.… » Read more

Chicago Tribune – Feb. 16, 2015 – Professor Peter Lake

Professor Peter Lake is quoted in the Chicago Tribune article, “Off to College with Mental Illness: How to Prepare.”… » Read more

Chronicle of Higher Education – Feb. 13, 2015 – Professor Peter Lake

Professor Peter Lake is quoted in the Feb. 13 Chronicle of Higher Education article, “Should Colleges Report Suicidal Students to Their Parents? A Bill in Virginia Would Require It.”… » Read more

SCOTUSblog – Feb. 12, 2015 – Professor Ciara Torres-Spelliscy

Professor Ciara Torres-Spelliscy’s article in the Brennan Center for Justice was cited in the SCOTUSblog Thursday round-up.… » Read more

The Verge – Feb. 11, 2015 – Dean Emeritus and Professor of Law Bruce Jacob and Adjunct Professor Richard Harrison

Dean Emeritus and Professor of Law Bruce Jacob and Adjunct Professor Richard Harrison are both quoted in the Verge article, “Jeb Bush dumps emails including social security numbers of Florida residents online.”… » Read more

Brennan Center for Justice – Feb. 10, 2015 – Professor Ciara Torres-Spelliscy

Professor Ciara Torres-Spelliscy wrote the opinion article, “Dark Money Could Even Darker,” for the Brennan Center for Justice.… » Read more

Daytona Beach News-Journal – Feb. 5, 2015 – Dean Emeritus and Professor of Law Bruce Jacob

Dean Emeritus and Professor of Law Bruce Jacob is quoted in the Daytona Beach News-Journal article, “Volusia and Flagler need more judges, but Legislature not providing funding.”… » Read more

Big News Network – Jan. 30, 2015 – Professor Peter Lake

Professor Peter Lake is quoted in the Big News Network article, “Dartmouth College considering campus ban on serving hard liquor.”… » Read more

News-Journal – Jan. 22, 2015 – Professor Charles Rose

Professor Charles Rose spoke with the News-Journal for the Jan. 22 story, “State Attorney: U.S. Marshals’ shooting of Bunnell man was ‘justified.'”… » Read more