Professor Royal Gardner talks value of world’s wetlands in AP article

By Matthew Brown and James BrooksAPNov. 5, 2019 Excerpt Professor Royal Gardner Climate change also threatens to worsen the problem. Warmer temperatures and changing rainfall patterns can trigger drought, leading to more pumping of water reserves that otherwise would feed surface wetlands, scientists say. Wetlands in northern China, the central U.S., northern Africa, India and the Middle East already have been depleted by the pumping… » Read more

Luz E. Nagle examines how trans-border criminal organizations exploit gaps in global marijuana cultivation laws

Professor of Law Luz Nagle Law Professor Luz E. Nagle’s article, Trans-border Labor Trafficking and Forced Servitude in Marijuana Growing Operations, was published in the International Enforcement Law Reporter in November. From the Abstract Human trafficking and labor servitude are occurring globally in the rapidly expanding marijuana cultivation “industry” in which the murky status between legal and illegal product entering the consumer supply chain allows… » Read more

St. Pete Catalyst – Oct. 28, 2019 – Professor Judith Scully

Professor Judith Scully was quoted in a St. Pete Catalyst Oct. 28 article, “Wrongfully convicted man brings criminal justice message to Stetson Law students.”… » Read more

Law Professor Royal Gardner quoted by The Associated Press on wetlands reclamation

Bringing the world’s buried wetlands back from the dead By Matthew Brown and James BrooksThe Associated PressNov. 5, 2019 Excerpt Professor Royal Gardner Wetlands in northern China, the central U.S., northern Africa, India and the Middle East already have been depleted by the pumping of underground aquifers for agriculture. “We now know the value of wetlands, and we know with increasing precision how many wetlands… » Read more

Washington Times – Oct. 26, 2019, – Professor Louis Virelli

Law Professor Lou Virelli was quoted in an Oct. 26 Washington Times article called, “Ex-cons take Florida to court over voting rights; say requirement to pay fines is a ‘poll tax.'”… » Read more

Law Professor Peter Lake quoted by Education Dive on Title IX litigation

5 college Title IX lawsuits to watch By Jeremy Bauer-WolfEducation DiveOct. 29, 2019 Excerpt Professor Peter Lake [Betsy] DeVos’ replacement for the Obama administration’s guidelines is set to drop soon. Though the Ed Department has provided colleges and universities with interim directives for handling sexual violence, many of the Obama-era procedures remain in place on campuses. And hundreds of lawsuits have been filed since 2011… » Read more

Brennan Center for Justice – Oct. 28, 2019 – Professor Ciara Torres-Spelliscy

Law Professor Ciara Torres-Spelliscy wrote an Oct. 28 essay for the Brennan Center website called, “The Supreme Court Considers Political Lies in the Bridgegate Case.” This column was picked up by other sources, including the Election Law Blog.… » Read more

Elder Law Prof Blog – Week of Oct. 25, 2019 – Professor Rebecca C. Morgan

Law Professor Rebecca C. Morgan wrote the following blog posts for Elder Law Prof Blog: Oct. 25: “Law Profs Initiative To Cut Down Academic Paper Marketing”Oct. 28: “Washington Post Offers Bold School Newsletter”Oct. 29: “Student Views of Recent Events”Oct. 30: “DC Ethics Opinion on Impaired Lawyers”Oct. 31: “Free Webinar:Advanced Training on Medicare Part B”… » Read more

Teen Vogue – Oct. 30, 2019 – Ciara Torres-Spelliscy

Law Professor Ciara Torres-Spelliscy was quoted in an Oct. 30 article in Teen Vogue called, “2020 Democrats Are Getting Edgier to Try to Attract Young Voters. Will It Work?”  … » Read more

Daytona Beach News-Journal – Oct. 26, 2019 – Professor Catherine Cameron

Law Professor Catherine Cameron was quoted in an Oct. 26 article in the Daytona Beach News-Journal article called, “Trump 2020 Flagler Ave. brick controversy shelves NSB sidewalk program.”… » Read more

Vox – Oct. 24, 2019 – Professor Ciara Torres-Spelliscy

Law Professor Ciara Torres-Spelliscy was interviewed for an Oct. 24 Vox article called, “Trump’s lawyer says he can’t be prosecuted. I asked 16 legal experts if that’s true.” Her comments in that article were also featured on AlterNet and Citizen Truth.… » Read more

Elder Law Prof Blog – Oct. 18, 2019 – Professor Rebecca C. Morgan

Law Professor Rebecca C. Morgan wrote the following post for the Elder Law Prof Blog: “Resources on Learning More on Opioid Pain Meds & the Public Health Emergency.”… » Read more