Elder Law Prof Blog – Nov. 10, 2014 – Professor Rebecca Morgan

Professor Rebecca Morgan wrote the Elder Law Prof Blog, “More on Housing.”… » Read more

WMFE Orlando – Nov. 10, 2014 – Adjunct Professor Adam Levine

Adjunct Professor Adam Levine is quoted in the WMFE Orlando article, “Judge to rule on low-THC medical marijuana suit.”… » Read more

Elder Law Prof Blog – Nov. 6, 2014 – Professor Rebecca Morgan

Professor Rebecca Morgan wrote the Nov. 6 Elder Law Prof Blog, “Hot Housing Options- Mother-in-Law Apartments.”… » Read more

Elder Law Prof Blog – Nov. 5, 2014 – Professor Rebecca Morgan

Professor Rebecca Morgan wrote the Elder Law Prof Blog, “Will this Research Development Change Litigation in End-of-Life Cases?”… » Read more

Elder Law Prof Blog – Nov. 5, 2014 – Professor Rebecca Morgan

Professor Rebecca Morgan wrote the Elder Law Prof Blog, Medicare Keeps On Paying for Drugs…After Death?… » Read more

Think Progress – Nov. 5, 2014 – Professor Ciara Torres-Spelliscy

Professor Ciara Torres-Spelliscy is quoted in the Think Progress article, “Chevron Spent Millions to Influence These Local Elections.”… » Read more

Huffington Post – Nov. 5, 2014 – Professor Ciara Torres-Spelliscy

Professor Ciara Torres-Spelliscy wrote the opinion article, “Can Lisa Simpson Become President?” for the Huffington Post.… » Read more

Elder Law Prof Blog – Nov. 4, 2014 – Professor Rebecca Morgan

Professor Rebecca Morgan wrote the Elder Law Prof Blog, “Medicare Approves, and Ms. Jimmo Gets Benefits…Finally.”… » Read more

The Washington Post – Nov. 4, 2014 – Professor Paul Boudreaux

Professor Paul Boudreaux wrote the opinion editorial, “the constitutional amendment that would finally end our endless voter ID battle” for the Washington Post.… » Read more

Elder Law Prof Blog – Nov. 2, 2014 – Professor Rebecca Morgan

Professor Rebecca Morgan wrote the Elder Law Prof Blog, “Laughter is Great Medicine-Even When Talking About Zombies.”… » Read more

Tampa Tribune – Nov. 2, 2014 – Dean Emeritus and Professor Bruce Jacob

Dean Emeritus and Professor of Law Bruce Jacob spoke with the Tampa Tribune for the article, “Experts: Florida’s high court took high road on cell phones.”… » Read more

Contemporary Pediatrics – Nov. 1, 2014 – Adjunct Professor Adam Levine

Adjunct Professor Adam Levine wrote the article, “Do You Own a Gun?”  Contemporary Pediatrics.… » Read more