Students Help Pinellas Project Homeless Connect

Stetson Law students help Pinellas Project Homeless Connect at the opening of a Homeless Court in St. Petersburg.


International Cooperation: Protecting Wetlands

On Feb. 18, Stetson Law signed a memorandum of cooperation with the Ramsar Secretariat.

Inaugural Carey & Leisure Torts Book Award

Stetson Law students receive first Carey & Leisure Torts Book Award.


Stetson Educates Advocates

Stetson is Educating Advocates at a three-day conference in May.

Justice Thomas Visits Stetson Law

On Feb. 2., U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas visited Stetson Law to talk with students on campus.


Chief Justices Share Wisdom, Elder Law Attorney Honored

Chief justices share wisdom, elder law attorney honored, at Stetson Law's Inns of Court.



Wm. Reece Smith Jr.: A Consummate Lawyer

A new biography by Stetson Law Professor Emeritus Michael Swygert, chronicles the life of legendary Florida lawyer William Reece Smith Jr.



Dean Darby Dickerson Receives Multiple Honors

Dean Darby Dickerson received the 2009 Chief Judge’s Award and was elected to serve on the Executive Committees of both the Deans Section and the Section on Part-time Division Programs at the American Association of Law Schools annual meeting. 


Bankruptcy Seminar, March 4-6

The continuing legal education seminar will offer plenary sessions and workshops.

Students Accumulate 7 Advocacy Wins

This fall, student advocates at Stetson University College of Law won seven major advocacy competitions.

Stephanie A. Vaughan Promoted to Full Professor

During Stetson University College of Law's fall Honors and Awards ceremony, Stephanie A. Vaughan was promoted to a full professor and was recognized for her numerous contributions during a robing presentation. Professor Vaughan has served at the College of Law for the past 14 years.

Social Justice Roundtable

Wrongly convicted man joined Stetson Law professors to discuss Innocence Project at The Studio@620.