NY Times journalist addresses Law grads

COL gradsAdam Liptak, lawyer, author and New York Times Supreme Court correspondent, addressed 260 graduates of Stetson University College of Law on May 17 in Gulfport, Fla. Stetson’s morning commencement took place in the courtyard on the law school’s Gulfport campus. Photo by Brian Vandervliet.

In his talk, Liptak focused on transitioning from legal counsel for The New York Times to his role as a popular columnist and journalist.

Liptak graduated from Yale with a law degree. While still in law school, he worked as a summer clerk for the legal department at The New York Times.

Liptak’s legal career includes a decade advising The New York Times on matters including defamation, privacy and newsgathering. He taught media law at Columbia University School of Journalism, U.C.L.A. Law School and Yale Law School.

LAW-LiptakLiptak, pictured right, was a Pulitzer Prize finalist for his series “American Exception” and writes the popular “Sidebar” column on legal developments for The New York Times. Liptak has investigated topics including the rise in life sentences in the U.S. and the impact of campaign contributions on Ohio Supreme Court justices’ voting records.

Among the 260 students walking at Stetson Law’s commencement were 192 full-time students, 43 part-time JD students, six LL.M. in elder law students, eight LL.M. in international law students, two JD/Grado students, one JD/Master of International Economic and Comparative Law student and eight JD/MBA students. Outstanding members of this year’s graduating class include:

  • Shivani Alamo, an advocate for children and education reform who won the prestigious New Generation Award, a special Lewis Hine Award for Service to Children and Youth.
  • Bradley Muhs, articles and symposia editor of the Stetson Law Review and an associate justice of Stetson’s award-winning Moot Court Board.
  • Elizabeth “Niki” Strickland, a U.S. Army Captain and dedicated Stetson student ambassador and student mentor.

For additional information and photos, please see Graduation Events.

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