Stetson University Main Entrance Closing July 19 for a Week

Main Entrance to Stetson University

The main entrance for Stetson University at Woodland Boulevard and Minnesota Avenue will be closed for construction work, beginning Tuesday, July 19, for about a week.

The Stetson grounds crew recently removed five dying water oaks near the main entrance and replaced them with two, 40-foot native live oaks. 

To further beautify the entrance, crews will repair the sidewalks along East Minnesota Avenue for about 120 feet east of the main entrance beside Elizabeth and DeLand halls. That work will begin Thursday, July 14. 

On Tuesday, July 19, the main entrance will be closed while crews also replace about 75 feet of the concrete roadway between the lighted brick columns bearing the name, Stetson University. The work is expected to take about a week.

“The entryway will look a lot nicer,” said Michele Couturier, manager of Administrative Services for Stetson Facilities Management. 

Questions? Please contact Couturier at 386-822-8808.