Category: Arts and Sciences

Classical guitar, music summer camps at StetsonU

The Stetson University Community School of Music, as part of its Guitar Summer Camp, will present a classical guitar concert series, Friday, July 26, and Thursday, Aug. 1, featuring Stetson School of Music alumni. Guitarist David Stringer ’13, and the Galestro-Smith Duo, featuring guitarist Jonathan Smith ’11, and flutist Angela Galestro ’12, will perform at […]

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“Part of No Part”

Jamil Khader’s year-long Fulbright fellowship will take him to a volatile part of the world to seek extraordinary writers and help increase understanding of Palestinian culture and social justice.  An uncommon, and uncommonly personal, quest into the rocky hills north of the Dead Sea is being prepared by a Stetson English professor who plans to […]

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From Concept to Cannes

If anyone would have told three budding moviemakers back in high school that their first feature film would be represented at the Cannes Film Festival in France one day, they probably would have looked at you strangely, raising their eyebrows and tilting their heads with surprise. But that is exactly what happened for Brendan Rogers, […]

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Two professors chosen for select seminars

Recognized for their educational accomplishments at Stetson University, American studies and history professor Emily Mieras, Ph.D. (pictured left), and sociology and anthropology professor Kimberly FlintHamilton, Ph.D. (pictured below, right), have been chosen to participate in select seminars this summer hosted by the Council of Independent Colleges (CIC). For several weeks this month, the CIC will […]

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Alumni, students use Facebook to honor mentors

The spring issue of STETSON University Magazine asked those viewing the university’s Facebook page to “tell us about Stetson mentors who changed your life.” Fifty-six alumni, students and faculty commented on the university’s Facebook page. “We highly value the engagement and perspectives shared  in our social media channels,” said Greg Carroll, vice president of Stetson […]

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Fuller wins award for writing, reporting

Austin Fuller has won the 2013 Davidson Award for Integrity in Journalism for his writing and reporting. Lauren Cepero was named runner-up for her work. Both Fuller (pictured at left) and Cepero majored in English and minored in journalism, and were section editors at The Reporter, Stetson’s student newspaper, before graduating in May. Fuller’s work […]

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FLDOE security error puts some students at risk

Stetson University is warning its students who are pursuing degrees in education that a data security error occurred within the Florida Department of Education (FLDOE) in Tallahassee. The security breach impacts teacher education candidates enrolled in a Florida teacher preparation program or who graduated from a Florida teacher preparation program between the 2009 and 2012 academic […]

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Living a life of romance

Perhaps it’s every woman’s dream to spend her days lying on the sofa, getting caught up in romance novels and fantasizing what it might be like to live a life similar to the characters in those books. But imagine if you wrote them.  Now that might be even more fulfilling. Well that is exactly what […]

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Teacher Ed interns help students, teachers

Stetson University’s Teacher Education internship program in Central Florida public schools was successfully completed by recent Stetson graduates. The program prepares prospective teachers for working in diverse classrooms by enabling them to work with public school students. In addition, public school teachers mentor the Stetson student interns. Five students completed their internships in Flagler, Orange, […]

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Stetson students to work, study in Washington

Six Stetson University students will be attending American University in the fall 2013 as a part of Stetson University’s Washington Semester Program based in Washington, D.C. Since 1947, the Washington Semester has offered college students across the nation a chance to study and work in the nation’s capital and gain first-hand knowledge of its government […]

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Mahjong Chem goes international

A few years ago, the AT&T Foundation gave Stetson University’s Chemistry Department a grant to fund the development of a new online learning resource for introductory chemistry. One of the big successes of that project was the development of an online game called Mahjong Chem. And just last year, the Chemistry Department hosted its 3rd […]

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SU research presented on Capitol Hill

Katie Moore, holding certificate, a junior Stetson student in the College of Arts and Sciences, was accepted to present at this year’s Posters on the Hill conference. The conference, held each April in Washington, D.C., is hosted each year by the national Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR) on Capitol Hill. This event helps members of […]

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When the world is at your fingertips

When you first meet Alina Siegrist, you are enchanted by the demure demeanor of this young woman. Had one not read her extensive resume, you would never know all that she has accomplished academically in her life. Born in Sarasota, living in Venice, Fla., and graduating high school in 2009, she had the privilege to […]

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Faculty Spotlight: Ramee Indralingam

“I chose chemistry because biology required dissections—of cockroaches.  I was OK with everything else, but I wouldn’t touch a cockroach with a 10-foot pole.” – Ramee Indralingam Growing up in Sri Lanka, Chemistry Professor Ramee Indralingam, Ph.D., was educated in a system created by the British in the era of colonial rule (1815-1948). It was […]

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Overcoming obstacles normal to music grad

To say Chelsey Geeting is amazing would be an enormous understatement. She has four part-time jobs and a full class schedule at Stetson. She’s preparing to graduate with a bachelor of music, with outside field—education, thanks to scholarships she earned through her talent and desire to work extremely hard. Recently, she auditioned for and accepted […]

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Stetson Inspirare women’s chorus to perform May 30

Inspirare, Stetson University’s community women’s chorus, part of the Stetson Community School of Music, will perform at 7:30 p.m., Thursday, May 30, in Lee Chapel, inside Elizabeth Hall, 421 N. Woodland Blvd., DeLand. Now in its third year Inspirare, meaning “to breathe and to inspire,” was founded by its director Ann Small, internationally known scholar […]

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Taking Nothing For Granted

Most of us would never give a second thought to the fact that our legs would simply continue to grow as we grew and that we’d always have full use of them throughout our lifetime. Since they worked so well, we’d rarely consider what might happen if we indeed had a problem with one or […]

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Stetson partners with Public Health

Stetson students produce public health coloring books and videos  Integrative health science/communication students at Stetson University created two coloring books and videos that promote the importance of public health. The school projects were presented to the Florida Department of Health in Volusia County and will be used to raise awareness of public health in the […]

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Don’t Focus On A Past You Can’t Fix

To hear these words from a senior in college who has endured a mostly tumultuous life to this point, is quite telling. To have gained this level of awareness and consciously decided to live her life by this motto, is quite striking for a young woman her age. Maura Martin, who graduated Stetson University May […]

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