John is my son. I am committed to caring for him and providing for all his needs. I have been his parent in every way. For example, every day, I wake him up in the morning and help him get dressed and ready to go to school; I help him with his homework when he comes home from school; we have a family dinner together every night, cooked by Roger; and we spend our evenings engaged in a variety of family activities. . . . Roger and I teach John household responsibilities such as yard work, car maintenance and cooking. I discipline him appropriately when he misbehaves. I hug and comfort him when he is upset. I teach him manners, respect and other values that I consider
important. I make sure he is safe. He calls me “Dad.” . . . John is eager to be adopted. For the last couple of years, he has been asking me when his adoption will be complete. . . . I love John deeply and want to protect him. But I cannot protect him unless I can adopt him.