Criminology professor lectures at Stetson on effectively treating mental illness

By Sarah Shirley

“We have been pushing people out of mental health institutions and onto the street,” Dr. Risdon N. Slate told the audience gathered to hear him lecture during the Student Leadership Development Program Leadership Luncheon on Feb. 20. “I do not believe that a person should have to commit a crime in order to obtain recovery in our criminal justice system.”

Dr. Risdon Slate spoke at Stetson Law. Photo by Austin Sigl.

Slate shared that people who have a mental illness tend to be victims, rather than perpetrators. Substance abuse combined with a lack of treatment tend to heighten the risk for violence among persons with mental illness in that rare instance where violence might occur.

“I hope that someday society will treat people with mental illness the same as someone with diabetes,” said Slate.

He emphasized that recovery is possible and mentally ill people have rights, which include a right to treatment in a safe environment, a right to the least restrictive environment, and a right against imminent harm to oneself or others involving grave disability.

“We need more judicial intervention leaders at behavioral health courts so that we can make a difference within our community,” Slate said. “Law enforcement can also act as a resourceful leader by performing effective crisis intervention training and making an attempt to establish more diversion programs in order to help people who are mentally ill.”

The next Student Leadership Development luncheon is scheduled for March 6.