Stetson Law’s Institute for Biodiversity Law and Policy files amici curiae brief to halt new rule that would limit Clean Water Act protections

Hearing scheduled today on motion for temporary injunction to proposed Navigable Waters Protection Rule A new amici curiae (friend of the court) brief written on behalf of aquatic scientific organizations by the Institute for Biodiversity Law and Policy at Stetson University College of Law lends support to 17 states and the District of Columbia seeking a preliminary injunction to halt the Trump administration’s attempt to… » Read more

Anonymous donors establish Distinguished Scholarship Program with $10 million planned gift

June 17, 2020 — Stetson University College of Law is thrilled to announce a $10 million planned gift to establish a Distinguished Scholarship Program.   The donors prefer to remain anonymous at this time. However, they expressed how important it is to them to recognize the role Stetson Law played in their professional achievement. They desire to do what they can to help future generations achieve… » Read more

New Intro to Practical Legal Skills workshop offered

Intro to Practical Legal Skills is a new Stetson Law workshop for admitted students. Stetson Law has created an innovative new workshop, Intro to Practical Legal Skills, to help soon-to-be first year law students start law school strong, confident and capable. The 10-day online workshop is designed to give students a head start and make the most of their higher education investment. The workshop will… » Read more

Stetson Law dean addresses COVID-19, national tensions, in message to community

Dear Stetson Law Community, Nationally, this has been a difficult past week. Many are mourning the loss of loved ones to COVID-19, living in constant worry about the danger it poses to them, or suffering daily heartbreaks at the toll this virus has caused. No one is left untouched by the pandemic, and vulnerable communities are still reeling from its disproportionate impact. As if these… » Read more

Stetson Law hosts virtual graduation celebration

Website honors 2020 spring grads until in-person ceremony takes place in December Stetson University College of Law’s May 2020 commencement ceremony was rescheduled to Saturday, Dec. 19, 2020, due to COVID-19, but college officials did not want to let original date go unrecognized. A Graduation Celebration website was created to commemorate the day and applaud graduates for their accomplishments. It features video messages from Dean… » Read more

Spring 2020 graduation ceremony rescheduled

Stetson University College of Law’s May 2020 commencement ceremony has been rescheduled for Saturday, Dec. 19, 2020, due to COVID-19.   “None of us could have foreseen how drastically the world would be changed come spring 2020. Graduation is incredibly important to all of us, and we do not take it lightly. We have agonized over the right remedy,” said Dean Michèle Alexandre.  College of Law… » Read more

Stetson Professor contributes to report on conducting fair elections during a crisis

Stetson Law Professor Ciara Torres-Spelliscy was part of a group of bipartisan and diverse scholars and thinkers in the areas of law, technology, politics, and media that created a new report to offer guidance on how to conduct fair elections during a nationwide crisis. The 45-page report is called Fair Elections During a Crisis: Urgent Recommendations in Law, Media, Politics, and Tech to Advance the… » Read more

Stetson Law plays role in Supreme Court decision on Clean Water Act case

A Stetson contingent attended oral arguments before the United States Supreme Court in November 2019. Pictured, from left: Stetson Professor and Director of the Institute for Biodiversity Law and Policy, Royal Gardner; attorney Kathleen Gardner of Pollack Solomon Duffy LLP; attorney David Henkin from Earthjustice who argued the case; 3L Kate Welch; and Erin Okuno, assistant director of Stetson’s Institute for Biodiversity Law and Policy.… » Read more

Domestic cats an invasive species? The last biodiversity lecture of spring 2020 examines the issue

Professor Arie Trouwborst’s presentation was titled, “Domestic Cats and International Wildlife Law – Turning a Blind Eye to One of the World’s Worse Invasive Alien Species?” Arie Trouwborst, associate professor of environmental law at Tilburg University in Tilburg, the Netherlands, gave the final Edward and Bonnie Foreman Biodiversity Lecture of the spring semester on April 1 as part of the 20th International Wildlife Law Conference.… » Read more

20th International Wildlife Law Conference draws speakers from around globe despite pandemic

The 20th International Wildlife Law Conference was entirely online this year because of the coronavirus pandemic. All presentations are available on Stetson Law’s YouTube Channel. By George ThurlowSecond-year Law StudentStetson University College of Law Stetson Law hosted the 20th International Wildlife Law Conference (IWLC-20) on April 1- 2, 2020, and the two days were packed with presentations from a variety of professionals involved in wildlife… » Read more

Duo from India wins 24th Annual Stetson IEMCC in first all-virtual version of contest

Shilpa Prasad and Pranav Valiathan Pillai from National University of Advanced Legal Studies (NUALS) in Kochi, India, won the 24th Annual Stetson IEMCC. They are pictured here with the competition judges and Stetson Dean Michèle Alexandre. The 24th Annual Stetson International Environmental Moot Court Competition (IEMCC) looked a little different this year because of the coronavirus pandemic, but 17 teams from 10 jurisdictions participated virtually… » Read more

Stetson Law ranked best school for Trial Advocacy in the U.S. for the 22nd time in 26 years

For the 22nd time, Stetson University College of Law is ranked the No. 1 school for Trial Advocacy in the United States, according to U.S. News & World Report. Stetson is ranked No. 3 for Legal Writing. “It is a remarkable accomplishment to be ranked number one in Trial Advocacy for the 22nd time,” said Stetson University President Wendy B. Libby, Ph.D. “This steadfast dedication… » Read more