Passion for writing: two student papers accepted in respected journals

Two students in professor Clark Furlow’s Advanced Corporate Law seminar at Stetson University have recently written papers accepted for publication in respected journals. Clara Arrington, a native of Tampa, has written on the topic of enabling benefit corporations in Florida. Her paper was accepted for publication in the Hillsborough County Bar Association’s monthly magazine, The Lawyer. The paper, “Florida considers enabling benefits corporations,” argues that… » Read more

Stetson hosts Southeast Regional Legal Writing Conference in Gulfport

Stetson University College of Law’s Institute for the Advancement of Legal Communication hosted the Southeast Regional Legal Writing Conference, April 25-26, in Gulfport, Fla. The Conference was organized by Institute faculty Jason Palmer, Lance Long, and Kirsten Davis, Ph.D. The conference for law faculty and others who teach legal research and writing courses offered workshops on preparing students to be “practice-ready” and developing writing and… » Read more

Bruce Jacob presented with traditional Supreme Court white quill

Dean Emeritus and Professor of Law Bruce Jacob was presented with a traditional Supreme Court white quill at the  Bruce R. Jacob Criminal Appellate American Inn of Court meeting on April 22 in Tampa. Florida assistant attorneys general Robert Krauss and Diana Bock presented the quill to Jacob to commemorate his work in arguing cases before the U.S. Supreme Court. Jacob twice presented before the… » Read more

Law students present at Stetson Showcase

Law students Lindsey Plyler Blankenbaker, Matt Newton and Heather Woods were selected to participate in the Stetson Showcase on April 15 at Stetson University in DeLand. It was the first time Stetson Law students were asked to participate in the daylong event for undergraduates, showcasing Stetson’s best and brightest students presenting on a broad range of topics. Each law student had an opportunity to share… » Read more

Part-time student challenges legal ivory trade in China

When part-time Stetson Law student Ethan Arthur began researching an independent study project on ways to end the ivory market and slaughter of African elephants, he had no idea that the project would take him to Arlington, Va. As part of his project in Professor Lance Long’s Environmental Advocacy course at Stetson, Arthur was asked to collaborate with a government agency on finding a solution… » Read more

Stetson hosts Earth Day event on the Gulfport campus

Stetson University College of Law students celebrated Earth Day on April 21 on the Gulfport campus with an environmentally-focused art show, music, healthy snacks and informational booths on sustainable living. The Stetson student Environmental Law Society, Student Wellness Society and Food Law Society sponsored the event. Student Katie Cleveland worked with student organizations to coordinate the event. Stetson’s Earth Day event for students provided information… » Read more

Stetson accepting nominations for its Hall of Fame

Stetson University College of Law is accepting nominations for its Hall of Fame, which recognizes individuals who have reached the pinnacle of their professions and have affected a profound, positive influence on the law school. The annual event is held each October. The 2013 inductees were Professor Paul Barnard ’58, James W. Martin BS ’71, JD ’74 and Judge Raphael Steinhardt ’63.  For biographies and… » Read more

Stetson Law wins awards for written and oral advocacy at international competition in Hong Kong

Stetson University College of Law students received awards for excellence in written and oral advocacy at the Willem C. Vis (East) International Commercial Arbitration Moot in Hong Kong on April 6. The team, including Stetson Law students Jeremy Bailie, Paul Crochet, Alisa French, Carmen Herrera Valverde, Yesica Liposky, Raquel Sanchez Lopez and Davis Watson III, received honorable mention awards for both the Claimant’s Memorandum and … » Read more

Stetson co-sponsors Second Law and Rhetoric Colloquium

Stetson University College of Law co-sponsored the Second Law and Rhetoric Colloquium on April 11 and 12, hosted by the Communication Studies Department at the University of Alabama, Huntsville. Stetson hosted the first Law and Rhetoric Colloquium last March on its Gulfport campus. Professor of Law Kirsten K. Davis, Ph.D., the director of Stetson’s new Institute for the Advancement of Legal Communication, was co-organizer of… » Read more

University of California, Hastings College of Law wins Stetson’s International Environmental Moot Court Competition

The University of California, Hastings College of Law won the 18th Annual International Environmental Moot Court Competition on April 12 at Stetson University College of Law in Gulfport, Fla. The University of California defeated the National Law University, Jodhpur, India, in the final round for the international championship. Ateneo de Manila Law School, Philippines, received the best memorial award, and Vinayak Panikkar, National Law University,… » Read more

Stetson’s bar passage is again #1 in the state

Stetson University College of Law’s bar passage rate is again number one in the state, with 85 percent of all graduates passing the February bar exam on the first try, far exceeding the statewide average of 72.9 percent. Stetson Law’s bar passage was also number one in the state on the Florida bar exam in July, with 89.3 percent of Stetson graduates passing. “I am… » Read more

Best-selling author, animal rescue advocate David Rosenfelt speaks to standing-room only crowd at Stetson

Stetson University College of Law’s Student Animal Legal Defense Fund and the Golden Retriever Rescue of Mid-Florida presented a talk and book-signing by best-selling mystery novel author and animal rescue advocate David Rosenfelt on April 14 on Stetson’s Gulfport campus. The free event drew a standing-room only crowd of animal advocate enthusiasts, law students and professors, members of the local community, as well as rescued… » Read more