Cross Examination Tips!

POWERPOINT PRESENTATION with Tips for Cross Examination

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Cross Examination of an Expert – Civil Case

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Direct Examination Tips!

POWERPOINT PRESENTATION with Direct Examination Tips

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Direct Examination of a Defense Expert – Civil Case

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Overview of Expert Witnesses – David Tirella

Professor Tirella provides a basic overview of expert witness testimony and the importance of choosing the right expert.

View An Overview of Expert Witnesses – David Tirella

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General Considerations with Expert Witnesses – David Tirella

Professor Tirella explains the general considerations to be aware of when choosing a top-quality expert witness.

View General Considerations with Experts – David Tirella

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Closing Arguments – Terry MacCarthy

Terry MacCarthy explains the importance of Closing Arguments and their relationship to other parts of the trial.

View Closing Arguments – Terry MacCarthy

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Closing Argument Tips

Molly Goodwill demonstrates Trial Advocacy Closing Argument tips:

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Irving Younger’s 10 Commandments of Cross Examination

Watch Irving Younger discuss his 10 Commandments of Cross Examination at UC Hastings College of Law

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Direct Examination of a Police Detective – Criminal Case

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Opening Statements – Terry MacCarthy

Terry MacCarthy explains important things to do when conducting an Opening Statement and those things to avoid doing. He also provides tips on exactly how to avoid those things while still getting your point across.

View Opening Statements – Terry MacCarthy 

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The Art of the Story – Judge Habas and John Mooy

The Honorable Christina Habas and John Mooy explain how to present your case in an understandable and memorable way.

View The Art of the Story – Judge Habas and John Mooy

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Opening Statement Tips!

POWERPOINT PRESENTATION with Tips for Opening Statements

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More Opening Statement Tips

Courtney Olivier demonstrates Trial Advocacy Opening Statement tips:

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Plaintiff Opening Statement – Civil Case – Product Liability

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Defense Opening Statement – Civil Case – Product Liability

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Plaintiff Opening Statement – Civil Case – Negligence

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Defense Closing Argument – Civil Case – Negligence

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Defense Opening Statement – Civil Case – Negligence

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Adverse Witness Direct Examination – Civil Case – Negligence

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