This Article asserts that the Florida Board of Bar Examiners violates the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) by focusing its mental health inquiry solely on the disability status of applicants in Question 25 of the Florida Bar Application. It asks, “Within the past 5 years, have you been treated for, or experienced a recurrence of, schizophrenia or any other psychotic disorder, a bipolar disorder, or major depressive disorder, that has impaired or could impair your ability to practice law?” If an applicant answers this affirmatively, that imposes an automatic subsequent request for information and potential investigation regardless of the extent to which such a disorder has resulted in problematic conduct. Accordingly, Question 25 is overly broad, is unrelated to protecting the public and safeguarding the judicial system, and thus discriminates against applicants with particular mental disorders by subjecting them to additional burdens solely because of their disability status. This Article offers a simple solution: use a set of conduct-focused mental health disclosure questions that is authorized by the Department of Justice as ADA compliant.