Students win Florida Bar’s professionalism video contest for the second year in a row

Stetson University College of Law students won the 2016 Law Student Professionalism YouTube Contest for their training and educational video depicting professional conduct for lawyers. It is the second year in a row that Stetson students have won the Florida Bar contest. The video, “Legal Ethics Play of the Day,” features Stetson law students Dan Kavanaugh and Shaheen Nouri as television sportscasters reviewing a play-by-play… » Read more

Panel explores surge in HIV cases in Florida, law and policy response

Naomi L.P. Ardjomand-Kermani of WellFlorida Council Inc., St. Petersburg City Council member Steve Kornell, and Kristen Whitesell of Metro Wellness and Community Centers presented at Stetson law school on March 31 on the need for a law and policy response to rising cases of HIV infection in Florida. Stetson’s Lambda Legal Society, Black Law Students Association, Health Care Law Association and Law Students for Reproductive… » Read more

Students learn the Documents of the Deal: New law class invites alumni back to the classroom

In a course launched this semester by Professor of Law Joseph Morrissey, students are studying more than case law from text books, and alumni are sharing their tools of the trade. Professor Morrissey’s new course, “Documents of the Deal,” is a business law boot camp designed to provide students with skills training to enter a sophisticated transactional practice.  Students complete negotiating and drafting exercises and… » Read more

Students host “A Magical Night” at the Amway Center

By second-year law student Tyler Rutledge On March 18, Stetson Law’s Entertainment and Sports Law Society and Intellectual Property Law Society co-hosted “A Magical Night” in Orlando before the Cleveland Cavaliers and Orlando Magic game at the Amway Center in Orlando.  The special event for law students included a three-person panel discussion with leading attorneys in the sports, entertainment and intellectual property fields followed by… » Read more

Students host presentation on discrimination in the workforce

by third-year law student Viktoryia Johnson On March 24, Stetson’s student Labor & Employment Law Association hosted a presentation on employment discrimination, titled “Florida Commission on Human Relations’ Take on Employment Discrimination in Florida.” The speakers, Jim Mallue and Gil Singer, discussed the Florida Commission on Human Relations’ operation and the administrative process available to Floridians who have experienced discrimination in the workforce. “The primary… » Read more

Championing legal rights for the mentally disabled: Michael L. Perlin talks

“We have to be vigilant to make sure the miscarriages of justice that have been all too prevalent over the last 40 years must end,” New York Law School Professor Emeritus Michael Perlin told an audience of Stetson law school students and faculty gathered on March 23 on the Gulfport campus to hear him talk. Professor Perlin spoke on “Power and Greed and the Corruptible… » Read more

Stetson hosts events to raise awareness about discrimination for diversity week

Stetson’s Gulfport campus hosted a series of events during diversity week, Feb. 29-March 4, to raise awareness about discrimination. An evening film and discussion on Feb. 25, “Cracking the Codes: The System of Racial Inequality,” hosted by the Social Justice Advocacy Concentration at Stetson, kicked off the series. Events for faculty, staff and students included a program on poverty, homelessness and social justice on Feb.… » Read more

Stetson hosts symposium on voting and political independence in the Virgin Islands

Stetson University College of Law in Gulfport, Florida, is hosting speakers from Curacao, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and the east and west coasts of the U.S. on March 18 for a lively discussion and debate surrounding the issues of territorial status and self-determination, voting rights, and effective advocacy in the Virgin Islands. WHAT: The symposium sponsored by the Stetson Law Review is free and… » Read more

Floridians are stewards for endangered sea turtles, scientist tells Stetson law campus

“Florida is a very special place for sea turtles and Floridians play an important role as stewards,” Dr. Anne Meylan, senior research scientist with the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, told students, faculty, and members of the public gathered on March 1 on Stetson law school’s Gulfport campus to hear her talk. Dr. Meylan presented “Florida’s Global Importance as a Nesting Site for Sea… » Read more

Tampa civil rights movement leader speaks at Stetson

Tampa civil rights movement leader Clarence Fort provided the keynote address at the Black History Month Gala on Feb. 19 at Stetson University College of Law in Gulfport. The program on “Ascending to New Heights: From Leadership to Legacy” also recognized influential faculty members. Fort’s grandson, Kaarl E. Brandon, is a second-year law student at Stetson. He introduced Clarence Fort. “It’s imperative to hear the… » Read more

Stetson Law hosts town hall forum with Gulfport mayoral candidates on environmental issues

Stetson University College of Law hosted a public town hall forum on Feb. 25 with Gulfport’s mayoral candidates to discuss environmental issues in the city. Stetson’s Environmental Law Society, Stetson’s Maritime Law Society and Long’s Environmental Advocacy class co-sponsored the event. Gulfport mayoral candidates Barbara Banno and Gulfport Mayor Sam Henderson presented, followed by a Q&A with moderator and Stetson Law professor Lance Long. Student… » Read more

Rev. John C. Williams spoke with Stetson law students about an overlooked hero of the civil rights movement

The son of civil rights era activist Robert F. Williams, the Rev. John C. Williams, spoke with Stetson law students on the Gulfport campus on Feb. 23. After sharing a first-hand account of what the struggle for basic human rights was like for African-Americans during the American civil rights movement in the 1950s and 1960s, Rev. Williams described how the Second Amendment can be used… » Read more