Elder Law Prof Blog – Week of August 30, 2019 – Professor Rebecca Morgan

Law Professor Rebecca C. Morgan wrote the following blogs for Elder Law Prof Blog: August 30, 2019: “Accessibility of Elder Housing-What Happens When the Elevator is Out of Order?” September 3, 2019: “Financial Fraud in US Upcoming Conference” September 4, 2019: “Assisted Living-Is It the Right Option for Assistance in Living?”… » Read more

Elder Law Prof Blog – Week of September 6, 2019 – Professor Rebecca Morgan

Law Professor Rebecca Morgan wrote the following blogs for the Elder Law Prof Blog: Sept. 6, 2019: “Mediation & Arbitration in Florida Probate Rules?” Sept. 8, 2019: “Happy Places to Retire” Sept. 9, 2019: “When It’s Time to Evacuate-It Takes More Time” Sept. 10, 2019: “Hunger Amongst America’s Elders” Sept. 11, 2019: “Two Upcoming Webinars on Important Topics”… » Read more

Appellate Advocacy Blog – September 5, 2019 – Professor Kirsten Davis

Law Professor Kirsten Davis wrote a Sept. 5, 2019, blog called, “He, She, or They: Thinking Rhetorically About Gender and Personal Pronouns” on the Appellate Advocacy Blog.… » Read more

SCOTUSblog – September 25, 2019 – Professor Ellen Podgor

Law Professor Ellen Podgor wrote a Sept. 25 blog post for SCOTUSblog called, “Symposium: Corruption is not a crime.”… » Read more

Elder Law Prof Blog – Week of September 23, 2019 – Professor Rebecca Morgan

Law Professor Rebecca C. Morgan wrote the following blog posts for Elder Law Prof Blog: Sept. 23, 2019: “GAO Report on Elder Abuse & Oversight” Sept. 24, 2019: “Elder Justice Policy Highlights” Sept. 25, 2019: “Special Needs Trust Failing?” Sept. 26, 2019: “Jimmy Carter Jokes About How Old Is Too Old To Be President”… » Read more

The Minaret – September 26, 2019 – Professor Catherine Cameron

Law Professor Catherine Cameron was mentioned in an article in The Minaret, the student newspaper for The University of Tampa, in a Sept. 26 article called, “Free speech & social media panel discussion hosted by UT.”… » Read more

The Washington Post – July 24, 2019 – Professor Ellen Podgor

Law Professor Ellen Podgor was mentioned in a July 24 article in The Washington Post called, “The Mueller report: An educational tool for teachers — and a surprising hit with book clubs.”… » Read more

TPM – September 24, 2019 – Professor Ciara Torres-Spelliscy

Law Professor Ciara Torres-Spelliscy wrote a Sept. 24 piece for Talking Points Memo (TPM) called, “The FEC Is Paralyzed. It Couldn’t Come At A Worse Time.”… » Read more

Tampa Bay Times – September 26, 2019 – Professor Judith Scully

Law Professor Judith Scully was quoted in a Sept. 26 article in the Tampa Bay Times called, “For black lawyer in Michael Drejka case, career and identity clash.”… » Read more

CBC – September 25, 2019 – Professor Ciara Torres-Spelliscy

Law Professor Ciara Torres-Spelliscy was quoted in a Sept. 25 article on CBC called, “Why Democrats bet the Ukraine call can succeed where the Mueller report failed in taking down Trump.”… » Read more

Inside EPA – September 23, 2019 – Professor Royal Gardner

Law Professor Royal Gardner was mentioned in a Sept. 23, 2019, article in Inside EPA called, “Lawyers Expect EPA’s New CWA 401 Plan To Spur Lengthy Litigation ‘Mess.’”… » Read more

Law Professor Ellen Podgor quoted in The Washington Post on deferred prosecution agreements

Repeat offenders: Corporate misdeeds often settle with deferred prosecution agreements Public Citizen found that dozens of companies have signed multiple deferred prosecution and non-prosecution agreements. By Renae MerleThe Washington PostSept. 26, 2019 Excerpt Professor Ellen S. Podgor The Justice Department has also begun emphasizing ways that companies can avoid harsh penalties, including announcing that those that invest in compliance programs would be rewarded. Then-deputy Attorney… » Read more