The Adams Inn, in partnership with Stetson Law’s Social Justice Advocacy Concentration, St. Petersburg  TRHT St. Petersburg Truth, Racial Healing and Transformation Center | St. Petersburg Racial Justice (, and Stetson Law’s Office of Institutional Inclusive Excellence, invites all students, staff, and faculty to join in a Community Conversation on Tuesday, September 17 from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. in the Great Hall.  Please note that, if you have class beginning at 6:00 p.m., you are welcome to join us for the first hour.  Dinner will be served.  If you would like to attend, please sign up at this link ( Community Conversation Attendees.xlsx) by 5 p.m. on Friday, September 13 and indicate any dietary restrictions.  Please note that this event will be limited to 60 attendees. 

If you are not familiar with the concept of a Community Conversation, here is some information, taken from the St. Pete TRHT website:

Community Conversations offer people from diverse backgrounds the opportunity to connect through storytelling, fostering a sense of shared humanity.  These safe and brave spaces encourage participants to recognize commonalities, paving the way for dismantling biased belief systems.  The structured, co-facilitated methodology of Community Conversations guides participants on a path toward embracing our full humanity.

Here’s what we will be doing:  After enjoying dinner together, we’ll encourage you to move to a table with attendees you do not already know.  At that table, you will then have the chance to discuss and respond to several discussion prompts with one or two other attendees.  This process of storytelling across difference and having a non-superficial conversation with someone you don’t yet know is a powerful means of creating community and dismantling bias.  This is something we’ve done in various contexts at Stetson over the years, and it’s always a powerful experience.  It’s also a way for you to learn more about Stetson’s Social Justice Advocacy Concentration, St. Pete TRHT (which offers various opportunities for students each semester), and the work of Stetson’s Office of Institutional Inclusive Excellence.

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