Barbri 1L Mastery Book Pickup Day #1

WARNING: Mastery does not replace your professors’ lectures and assigned course materials as your PRIMARY SOURCES.

BARBRI Upper-Level Mastery, MPRE, and Bar Exam Readiness Workshop

Learn about the supplemental study tools and bar exam readiness resources Stetson is making available to you.   Pizza will be available during both sessions. Printed materials will be available in the Crummer Courtyard between 10:30AM and 4:30PM.  Stoy by and grab your copy! Please note, these supplemental study tools do NOT replace the instruction and resources provided […]

BARBRI Upper-Level Mastery, MPRE, and Bar Exam Readiness Workshop

Learn about the supplemental study tools and bar exam readiness resources Stetson is making available to you.   Pizza will be available during both sessions. Printed materials will be available in the Crummer Courtyard between 10:30AM and 4:30PM.  Stop by and grab your copy! Please note, these supplemental study tools do NOT replace the instruction and resources provided […]