Happy Hips & Hamstrings Yoga

Yoga Yoga is a great form of self-care.  Student assistant fitness instructor Alexis Bargamin will guide you through the class.  Yoga is a great form of self-care. E-mail [email protected] should you need ADA accommodations for this program https://stetson-edu.zoom.us/j/98785724000?pwd=cEZmUnA1WUVQdFc0anBQRGhrYnpDdz09 Meeting ID: 987 8572 4000 Passcode: yoga

Happy Hips & Hamstrings Yoga

Yoga Yoga is a great form of self-care.  Student assistant fitness instructor Alexis Bargamin will guide you through the class.  Yoga is a great form of self-care. E-mail [email protected] should you need ADA accommodations for this program  

Happy Hips & Hamstring Yoga

Yoga Yoga is a great form of self-care.  Student assistant fitness instructor Alexis Bargamin will guide you through the class.  Yoga is a great form of self-care. E-mail [email protected] should you need ADA accommodations for this program https://stetson-edu.zoom.us/j/99044359807?pwd=VXZ6RUFIZWFKZUpNZk9KRU9tbW5TQT09 Meeting ID: 990 4435 9807 Passcode: yoga

Balance & Stretch Yoga

Yoga Yoga is a great form of self-care.  Student assistant fitness instructor Alexis Bargamin will guide you through the class.  Yoga is a great form of self-care. E-mail [email protected] should you need ADA accommodations for this program https://stetson-edu.zoom.us/j/92814192608?pwd=SnhRYytVb3N6dUFITk1ycU1jOGp0UT09 Meeting ID: 928 1419 2608 Passcode: yoga

Exam Prep Yoga

Yoga Yoga is a great form of self-care.  Student assistant fitness instructor Alexis Bargamin will guide you through the class.  Yoga is a great form of self-care. E-mail [email protected] should you need ADA accommodations for this program

Yoga with Alexis

Yoga is a great form of self-care.  Student assistant fitness instructor Alexis Bargamin will guide you through the class. https://stetson-edu.zoom.us/j/96017113188?pwd=bnNvVmNxWlcvMU5sOGhYVFBVWk1LUT09 Meeting ID: 960 1711 3188 Passcode: yoga Please RSVP on Engage  E-mail [email protected] should you need ADA accommodations for this program

Yoga with Alexis

Yoga is a great form of self-care.  Student assistant fitness instructor Alexis Bargamin will guide you through the class. https://stetson-edu.zoom.us/j/94595532036?pwd=Y2ZMQVUwSER4OXgvQmhtWVVKQmRNQT09 Meeting ID: 945 9553 2036 Passcode: yoga Please RSVP on Engage E-mail [email protected] should you need ADA accommodations for this program

Yoga with Alexis

Yoga is a great form of self-care.  Student assistant fitness instructor Alexis Bargamin will guide you through the class. https://stetson-edu.zoom.us/j/99960005821?pwd=WlFPSjRNSk80WHhYdzk2b1Q2QkFidz09 Meeting ID: 999 6000 5821 Passcode: yoga Please RSVP on Engage  E-mail [email protected] should you need ADA accommodations for this program

Yoga with Alexis

Yoga is a great form of self-care.  Student assistant fitness instructor Alexis Bargamin will guide you through the class. Please RSVP on Engage E-mail [email protected] should you need ADA accommodations for this program

Yoga with Alexis

Yoga is a great form of self-care.  Student assistant fitness instructor Alexis Bargamin will guide you through the class. Please RSVP on Engage  E-mail [email protected] should you need ADA accommodations for this program

Yoga with Alexis

Yoga is a great form of self-care.  Student assistant fitness instructor Alexis Bargamin will guide you through the class. Happy Hips & Hamstrings Yoga – Virtual (40 min) https://stetson-edu.zoom.us/j/94762782657?pwd=Q3gvc0Q5ZzdpKzVpejg4VHJPRU9Hdz09 Meeting ID: 947 6278 2657 Passcode: yoga

Yoga with Alexis

Yoga is a great form of self-care.  Student assistant fitness instructor Alexis Bargamin will guide you through the class. Happy Hips & Hamstrings Yoga – Virtual (40 min) https://stetson-edu.zoom.us/j/98878683792pwd=SGo3RTdDeVRQZmc5eWRBazNkSEk5QT09 Meeting ID: 988 7868 3792 Passcode: yoga

Yoga with Alexis

Yoga is a great form of self-care.  Student assistant fitness instructor Alexis Bargamin will guide you through the class.  

Yoga with Alexis

Yoga is a great form of self-care.  Student assistant fitness instructor Alexis Bargamin will guide you through the class.

Yoga with Alexis

Yoga is a great form of self-care.  Student assistant fitness instructor Alexis Bargamin will guide you through the class. Happy Hips & Hamstrings Yoga – Virtual (40 min) https://stetson-edu.zoom.us/j/96605305064?pwd=VzZ5dnhxQ3F2ZkFtM0wwb2ZnT01yZz09 Meeting ID: 966 0530 5064 Passcode: yoga

Yoga with Alexis

Yoga is a great form of self-care.  Student assistant fitness instructor Alexis Bargamin will guide you through the class. Happy Hips & Hamstrings Yoga – Virtual (40 min) https://stetson-edu.zoom.us/j/93104756499?pwd=Zk9ORjBHZE9iSE1UMEpEWWN6Y2ltUT09 Meeting ID: 931 0475 6499 Passcode: yoga

Yoga with Alexis

Yoga is a great form of self-care.  Student assistant fitness instructor Alexis Bargamin will guide you through the class.  

Yoga with Alexis

Yoga is a great form of self-care.  Student assistant fitness instructor Alexis Bargamin will guide you through the class. Happy Hips & Hamstrings Yoga – Virtual (40 min) https://stetson-edu.zoom.us/j/95951425287?pwd=aUJYdS9abXhFUG5PcmNpaTRVaWU0dz09 Meeting ID: 959 5142 5287 Passcode: yoga

Yoga with Alexis

Yoga is a great form of self-care.  Student assistant fitness instructor Alexis Bargamin will guide you through the class. Happy Hips & Hamstrings Yoga – Virtual (40 min) https://stetson-edu.zoom.us/j/92456289552?pwd=dnl6QmhEWVk2amRtbHJJM3plcHRVQT09 Meeting ID: 924 5628 9552 Passcode: yoga

Yoga with Alexis

Yoga is a great form of self-care.  Student assistant fitness instructor Alexis Bargamin will guide you through the class.  

Yoga with Alexis Balance & Stretch Yoga

Yoga is a great form of self-care.  Student assistant fitness instructor Alexis Bargamin will guide you through the class. Please RSVP on Engage  E-mail [email protected] should you need ADA accommodations for this program.

Yoga with Alexis Happy Hips & Hamstrings

Yoga is a great form of self-care.  Student assistant fitness instructor Alexis Bargamin will guide you through the class. https://stetson-edu.zoom.us/j/95770854465?pwd=WVlIcVp3ZlhJbmYvQ3Q0dTF6SUhIUT09 Meeting ID: 957 7085 4465 Passcode: yoga Please RSVP on Engage  E-mail [email protected] should you need ADA accommodations for this program.

Yoga with Alexis Happy Hips & Hamstrings

Yoga is a great form of self-care.  Student assistant fitness instructor Alexis Bargamin will guide you through the class. https://stetson-edu.zoom.us/j/93938824602?pwd=ODFHeHc0UDhqcklMK1hDdkUyOENZUT09 Meeting ID: 939 3882 4602 Passcode: yoga Please RSVP on Engage  E-mail [email protected] should you need ADA accommodations for this program.

Yoga with Alexis Balance & Stretch Yoga

Yoga is a great form of self-care.  Student assistant fitness instructor Alexis Bargamin will guide you through the class. Please RSVP on Engage E-mail [email protected] should you need ADA accommodations for this program.

Spring Mini-Wellness Fair

Near the pool area

The Human Resources office is hosting Barre Forte on campus for a mini-barre session. Faculty, Staff and Students' are welcome to attend.    

Yoga with Alexis Happy Hips & Hamstrings

Yoga is a great form of self-care.  Student assistant fitness instructor Alexis Bargamin will guide you through the class. https://stetson-edu.zoom.us/j/95733905729?pwd=Q0hhZ0ZPMFB1M2dkWG83S0pQM1dBZz09 Meeting ID: 957 3390 5729 Passcode: yoga Please RSVP on Engage  E-mail [email protected] should you need ADA accommodations for this program.

Yoga with Alexis Balance & Stretch Yoga

Yoga is a great form of self-care.  Student assistant fitness instructor Alexis Bargamin will guide you through the class. Please RSVP on Engage  E-mail [email protected] should you need ADA accommodations for this program.

Happy Hips and Hamstrings Yoga with Alexis

Yoga is a great form of self-care.  Student assistant fitness instructor Alexis Bargamin will guide you through the class. https://stetson-edu.zoom.us/j/98456113138?pwd=dStqU1M0R0w1SkN1M0VoM04zSjAyZz09 Meeting ID: 984 5611 3138 Passcode: yoga

Balance and Stretch Yoga

Yoga is a great form of self-care.  Student assistant fitness instructor Alexis Bargamin will guide you through the class.

Happy Hips and Hamstrings Yoga with Alexis

Yoga is a great form of self-care.  Student assistant fitness instructor Alexis Bargamin will guide you through the class. https://stetson-edu.zoom.us/j/96578607248?pwd=UXVKNU5kc3ovaW0zUkdZOHpKV1ZVUT09 Meeting ID: 965 7860 7248 Passcode: yoga

Yoga with Alexis – Balance and Stretch Yoga

Banyan Courtyard Amphitheatre

Yoga is a great form of self-care.  Student assistant fitness instructor Alexis Bargamin will guide you through the class.

Yoga with Alexis – Happy Hips & Hamstrings

Zoom - Virtual

Yoga is a great form of self-care.  Student assistant fitness instructor Alexis Bargamin will guide you through the class. https://stetson-edu.zoom.us/j/92520223132?pwd=MkR1TktleWY1U0d0dkh3L0k1UmxpUT09 Meeting ID: 925 2022 3132 Passcode: yoga

Yoga with Alexis – Balance & Stretch Yoga

Banyan Courtyard Amphitheatre

Yoga is a great form of self-care.  Student assistant fitness instructor Alexis Bargamin will guide you through the class.  

Yoga with Alexis – Happy Hips & Hamstrings

Zoom - Virtual

Yoga is a great form of self-care.  Student assistant fitness instructor Alexis Bargamin will guide you through the class. https://stetson-edu.zoom.us/j/94674306020?pwd=L3p0aldNb3RhaVhEM090MUtDOXV4QT09 Meeting ID: 946 7430 6020 Passcode: yoga

Yoga with Alexis – Balance & Stretch Yoga

Banyan Courtyard Amphitheatre

Yoga is a great form of self-care.  Student assistant fitness instructor Alexis Bargamin will guide you through the class.

Yoga with Alexis ~ Balance & Stretch Yoga

Banyan Courtyard

Yoga is a great form of self-care.  Student assistant fitness instructor Alexis Bargamin will guide you through the class.

Yoga with Alexis ~ Happy Hips and Hamstrings

Zoom - Virtual

Online Location Instructions https://stetson-edu.zoom.us/j/92314881481?pwd=ZFpkUWw5ZFdiKzlhOWFpdFNNSDFUUT09 Meeting ID: 923 1488 1481 Passcode: yoga Description Yoga is a great form of self-care.  Student assistant fitness instructor Alexis Bargamin will guide you through the class.

Yoga with Alexis ~ Balance & Stretch Yoga

Banyan Courtyard

Yoga is a great form of self-care.  Student assistant fitness instructor Alexis Bargamin will guide you through the class.

Yoga with Alexis ~ Balance & Stretch Yoga

Banyan Courtyard

Yoga is a great form of self-care.  Student assistant fitness instructor Alexis Bargamin will guide you through the class.

Yoga with Alexis ~ Happy Hips and Hamstrings

Zoom - Virtual

Online Location Instructions https://stetson-edu.zoom.us/j/96619978311?pwd=emhLUVFVcW02NWlhYjFnUnYzUHhLUT09 Meeting ID: 966 1997 8311 Passcode: yoga Description Yoga is a great form of self-care.  Student assistant fitness instructor Alexis Bargamin will guide you through the class.

Yoga with Alexis ~ Balance & Stretch Yoga

Banyan Courtyard

Yoga is a great form of self-care.  Student assistant fitness instructor Alexis Bargamin will guide you through the class.

Yoga with Alexis ~ Balance & Stretch Yoga

Banyan Courtyard

Yoga is a great form of self-care.  Student assistant fitness instructor Alexis Bargamin will guide you through the class.  

Yoga with Alexis ~ Balance & Stretch Yoga

Banyan Courtyard Amphitheatre

Yoga is a great form of self-care.  Student assistant fitness instructor Alexis Bargamin will guide you through the class. All participants MUST complete a Recreational Event, Activity or Program Risk Acknowledgement and Liability Waiver form to participate https://stetson.campuslabs.com/engage/submitter/form/start/376806 

Yoga with Alexis ~ Balance & Stretch Yoga

Banyan Courtyard Amphitheatre

Yoga is a great form of self-care.  Student assistant fitness instructor Alexis Bargamin will guide you through the class. All participants MUST complete a Recreational Event, Activity or Program Risk Acknowledgement and Liability Waiver form to participate https://stetson.campuslabs.com/engage/submitter/form/start/376806 

Yoga with Alexis ~ Happy Hips and Hamstrings

Virtual Online

Yoga is a great form of self-care.  Student assistant fitness instructor Alexis Bargamin will guide you through the class. All participants MUST complete a Recreational Event, Activity or Program Risk Acknowledgement and Liability Waiver form to participate https://stetson.campuslabs.com/engage/submitter/form/start/376806  https://stetson-edu.zoom.us/j/96819027665?pwd=QzlPeHFoeCtIN1cxNVg4cjVrYWZDUT09 Meeting ID: 968 1902 7665 Passcode: yoga

Qigong Demonstration Class

Mann Lounge

Qigong Demonstration Class Friday, January 26 12:00pm – 1:00pm Mann Lounge Please join us for a Qigong Demonstration Class.  After the class, please provide feedback to the Office of Student Affairs.  We may offer additional classes in the future based on feedback. Wear comfortable clothing to allow easy movement. Qigong pronounced “chi gong,” involves using […]

Meditation with Alexis

Student Affairs Meditation Room

Join Alexis for a 30 minute meditation session.  All levels welcome.

Meditation with Alexis

Student Affairs Meditation Room

Join Alexis for a 30 minute meditation session.  All levels welcome.

Meditation with Alexis

Student Affairs Meditation Room

Join Alexis for a 30 minute meditation session.  All levels welcome.

Yoga with Alexis ~ Balance & Stretch Yoga

Banyan Courtyard Amphitheatre

Yoga is a great form of self-care.  Student assistant fitness instructor Alexis Bargamin will guide you through the class. All participants MUST complete a Recreational Event, Activity or Program Risk Acknowledgement and Liability Waiver form to participate https://stetson.campuslabs.com/engage/submitter/form/start/376806  Rain Location Mann Lounge