Legal Mentor Network’s First Tampa Meet-Up

Legal Mentor Network is having its first Tampa meet-up on Thursday, April 18, 2024, from 5-7 PM, at Chuck Lager America’s Tavern, and students, you are invited!

Legal Mentor Network aims to reduce mentorship and information barriers in the legal field. As part of that, they have started hosting informal happy hours in cities around the country. They’ve had great turnout and served as a great networking opportunity for both junior and senior attorneys.

The event will likely be attended by a diverse set of attendees on the “mentor” side—folks in government, in-house, nonprofit, and, of course, firm roles. On the mentee side, the event is open to junior lawyers and law students.

Anyone interested in attending can register here. The event is being sponsored by Latitude Legal, and food and drinks will be available as well.

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