Non-Legal Community Service Opportunity

Staff and Student Volunteer hours are available at a Speech and Debate Tournament in Sarasota, FL March 14 – 16.

To learn more follow this link and see the letter that follows.

You may sign up today at:

Flyer with QR code for judge registration at the Sarasota Qualifier 2024

Hello Students, Staff and Faculty,

We would like to invite you to contribute to the next generation of eloquent and persuasive speakers! NCFCA Speech and Debate is seeking Community Judges March 14 – 16, 2024, to help cultivate our students and help make our tournaments happen. Around 100 students participate ranging in ages 12 – 18.  You may EARN HOURS for your service to the organization.

Please see the attached PDF for more information.  Judge training is provided.  No experience necessary!

Judging opportunities include:

Speech categories –  Speeches are a maximum of 10 minutes long

Platforms: Informative, Persuasive, Digital Presentation (use of digital visual aids), After Dinner (with humor)

Interpretations: Open (unique delivery of a piece of literature), Biblical Thematic (unique presentation of scripture), Duo (an open with 2 speakers)

Limited Preparations: Extemporaneous (student is given a current event topic to research and present findings), Impromptu (topic given with 2 minutes to prepare a 5 min speech), Apologetics (topic given and student has 4 min to formulate a 6 min speech)

Debate categories –  **If you have experience in the field of debate or public leadership, PLEASE let us know if you might be available for FINALS ROUNDS on Saturday at 4:15pm for a 5pm round.**

Lincoln Douglas Value Debate – One debater affirms the resolution while another opposes or negates it, demonstrating a clash of competing but morally defensible values.  This year’s resolution is: Rationalism should be valued above empiricism.

Team Policy Debate – A team of two debaters proposes a specific plan to accomplish the goal stated in the resolution while another team of two debaters opposes the plan and/or the resolution. This form of debate simulates argumentation in a legislative body.  This year’s resolution is: The United States Federal Government (USFG) should significantly reform its domestic transportation policy implemented by the Department of Transportation (DOT).

Click on the link below for more information and to sign up.  

Your support and care is a gift to us!!  

Thank you for your consideration.

Learn more and sign up today
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