Now Open ~ SBA Election Voting

SBA Elections are open from 9am today (4/2), until 5pm on Friday April 5th. Voting is available for both Class Representatives and Executive Board positions. Candidates will be tabling in the Crummer Courtyard under 3 tents for the duration of the election from 9am-5pm. These tents and tables are only to be used for SBA Elections purposes.  

Candidates for Executive Board positions receiving a majority of the votes cast shall be elected. If no majority is received on the first ballot, the two candidates receiving the highest number of votes cast shall be voted upon again. In case of a tie for second on the first ballot where no majority is reached, a runoff election shall be held between those candidates tied for second. An election shall then be held between the candidate receiving the highest number of votes cast in the run-off election and the candidate receiving a plurality in the run-off vote election.

Candidates for Legislative Representatives, equal to the number of offices available, who receive the highest number of votes, shall be elected. In the event of a tie for the last position available, a run-off shall be held.

Please vote using the link below:

If you receive a message that you are not permitted to vote, please confirm that your Campus Email address on Engage is your Stetson email address.  If it is not, please email Alicia Norton [email protected] and she will update your Campus Email address on Engage.

If you have any questions or concerns about the elections process, please email the Elections Committee at [email protected].  

Election results will be announced April 8th at 12pm. 

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