Pathways to Protection: Legal Remedies for Immigrant Children

Pathways to Protection: Legal Remedies for Immigrant Children:

Please join CASL, ILSA, BLSA, and AALSA on March 27, 2024, at 12:00 PM in the Mann Lounge for the “Pathways to Protection: Legal Remedies for Immigrant Children” panel discussion. Attorneys Jacquelyn Bradford, Danielle Fullam, and Rebecca Klonel will talk about unaccompanied children entering the United States, including the legal processes for these children and the programs available to them. The panelists will also discuss Special Juvenile Immigrant status, which is a form of relief for undocumented minors who have been abused, neglected, or abandoned by one or both parents, explaining how the federal and state laws overlap to provide protection for these children. Professor Jackson will be moderating the discussion. Lunch will be provided as well, so be sure to RSVP on Engage! Pathways to Protection: Legal Remedies for Immigrant Children – Stetson University (

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