Security Awareness and Phishing Simulations

Phishing emails, texts, and phone calls continue to be a threat we face nearly every day. Every week we hear about a city, company, or state that has been a victim of ransomware, and in every case, phishing was the catalyst. Even though we block millions of malicious emails daily, phishing emails are the most significant security risk we face. That is why Stetson chose to perform simulated phishing tests to empirically gauge the phishing risk within our institution.

Since we began these tests, the phish prone rate has been reduced by almost 50% thanks to the awareness and efforts of each of Stetson’s staff and faculty. We have been asked, “why do we perform these tests?” and the reality is, if we don’t, hackers will. Hackers will send you the most realistic email to trick you at the worst possible times because they have no rules and have nothing to lose.

During this time of working from home, we all need to be extra vigilant, careful of the risks, and watchful for phishing threats. The vendor we use, KnowBe4, has put together an excellent video to raise awareness.

Here is a short list of work-from-home security best practices:

  1. Keep your computer up to date. Ensure your operating systems automatically update, and check for updates for your applications (Office, Adobe, etc.).
  2. Run antivirus on your home computer (Windows and Mac).
  3. Reset your default wifi router password (“Password” is not a strong password) if you are using a wireless router like Linksys, Asus, Netgear (most wireless routers from the internet service provider have strong passwords.)
  4. Use password managers (like LastPass) to save your passwords and create unique passwords for your accounts.

If you encounter something suspicious, whether it is an email, text, phone call, or computer activity, please contact I.T. at [email protected] or 727-562-7323.

Information Technology Department
1401 61st Street South | Gulfport, FL 33707
Email: [email protected]  | Office: +1 (727) 562 7323

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