St. Pete Teen Court – Legal Pro Bono Opportunity

Legal pro bono opportunity providing second chances for at-risk youths (Tues. Evenings)

Teen Court is a diversion program that provides second chances for at-risk youths who have not previously been in the criminal justice system and who are not accused of violent crimes. It was conceived as a way to interrupt developing patterns of criminal behavior in youths. In addition, Teen Court is an educational forum for non-offending teems, who are allowed to participate in the legal process as jurors, prosecutors, and defense attorneys, presided over by volunteers from the offices of the State Attorney and Public Defender. 

Teen Court is held on Tuesday evenings from 4:45-7:00pm at 545 1st Avenue North Courtroom J. Ultimately, the Court would like to set up a rotation schedule for 3 Stetson Law Student volunteers each Tuesday evening to act as a Teen Court Judge or assisting high school student attorneys. There is no minimum required number of sessions to participate on a rotation basis.

Interested in volunteering for this opportunity while earning legal pro bono hours? Contact Stephanie Storke, Assistant Director of Public Interest Careers & Pro Bono, at [email protected] by Friday, Sept. 6 at 12:00 p.m.

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