Luz Estella Nagle

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Luz Estella Nagle

Colombia’s Raid into Ecuador Sparks International Debate on the Bush Doctrine, Hot Pursuit, and Preemptive Self-Defense Article

Date of Publication:

Recommended Citation

Luz Estella Nagle, Colombia’s Raid into Ecuador Sparks International Debate on the Bush Doctrine, Hot Pursuit, and Preemptive Self-Defense, 24 Int'l Enforcement L. Reporter 188 (2008)Clicking on the button will copy the full recommended citation.

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Luz Estella Nagle

On Armed Conflict, Human Rights, and Preserving the Rule of Law in Latin America Article

Date of Publication:

Recommended Citation

Luz Estella Nagle, On Armed Conflict, Human Rights, and Preserving the Rule of Law in Latin America, 27 Penn St. Int'l L. Rev. 1 (2008)Clicking on the button will copy the full recommended citation.

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Luz Estella Nagle

Process Issues of Colombia’s New Accusatory System Article

Date of Publication:

Recommended Citation

Luz Estella Nagle, Process Issues of Colombia’s New Accusatory System, 14 Sw. J.L. & Trade Americas 233 (2008)Clicking on the button will copy the full recommended citation.

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Luz Estella Nagle

Criminal Gangs in Latin America: The Next Great Threat to Regional Security and Stability? Article

Date of Publication:

Recommended Citation

Luz Estella Nagle, Criminal Gangs in Latin America: The Next Great Threat to Regional Security and Stability?, 14 Texas Hispanic J.L. & Pol'y 7 (2008)Clicking on the button will copy the full recommended citation.

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Luz Estella Nagle

Selling Souls: The Effect of Globalization on Human Trafficking and Forced Servitude Article

Date of Publication:

Recommended Citation

Luz Estella Nagle, Selling Souls: The Effect of Globalization on Human Trafficking and Forced Servitude, 26 Wis. Int'l L.J. 131 (2008)Clicking on the button will copy the full recommended citation.


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Luz Estella Nagle

Algunos aspectos sobre la lucha contra el crimen organizado internacional en América Latina Article

Date of Publication:

Recommended Citation

Luz Estella Nagle, Algunos aspectos sobre la lucha contra el crimen organizado internacional en América Latina, 75 Revista Jurdica Universidad de Puerto Rico 59 (2007)Clicking on the button will copy the full recommended citation.

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Luz Estella Nagle

Impact of Globalization on Human Trafficking: An Era of Globalized Servitude Conference

Date of Publication:

Recommended Citation

Luz Estella Nagle, Impact of Globalization on Human Trafficking: An Era of Globalized Servitude, in Human Development Initiatives for HDI's 10th Anniversary Conference & Lecture (May 11, 2007)Clicking on the button will copy the full recommended citation.

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    Luz Estella Nagle

    Corruption and the Rule of Law Working Paper

    Date of Publication:

    Recommended Citation

    Luz Estella Nagle, Corruption and the Rule of Law, (unpublished) (2007)Clicking on the button will copy the full recommended citation.

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      Luz Estella Nagle

      Prosecuting the Use of Antipersonnel Mines by Illegal Armed Groups: The Colombia Situation Article

      Date of Publication:

      Recommended Citation

      Luz Estella Nagle, Prosecuting the Use of Antipersonnel Mines by Illegal Armed Groups: The Colombia Situation, 8 Or. Rev. Int'l L. 231 (2006)Clicking on the button will copy the full recommended citation.

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      Luz Estella Nagle

      The Rule of Law in Latin America Inproceedings

      Date of Publication:

      Recommended Citation

      Luz Estella Nagle, The Rule of Law in Latin America, in Proceedings of the Midwest Association of Latin American Studies (July 1, 2006)Clicking on the button will copy the full recommended citation.