Luz Estella Nagle



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Luz Estella Nagle

La Cenicienta del gobierno: reforma a la justicia en América Latina Book Chapter

Date of Publication:

Recommended Citation

Luz Estella Nagle, La Cenicienta del gobierno: reforma a la justicia en América Latina, in Independencia Judicial: Diseños Institucionales y Balances Historicos (Ediciones Antropos, 2006)Clicking on the button will copy the full recommended citation.

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    Luz Estella Nagle and Henry W. McGee

    Protección del medio ambiente imponiendo una responsabilidad civil Book Chapter

    Date of Publication:

    Recommended Citation

    Luz Estella Nagle and Henry W. McGee, Protección del medio ambiente imponiendo una responsabilidad civil, in Responsibilidad civil de profesionales y empresarios (Grupo Bilbo, 2006)Clicking on the button will copy the full recommended citation.


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      Luz Estella Nagle

      Global Terrorism in Our Own Backyard: Colombia’s Legal War against Illegal Armed Groups Article

      Date of Publication:

      Recommended Citation

      Luz Estella Nagle, Global Terrorism in Our Own Backyard: Colombia’s Legal War against Illegal Armed Groups, 15 Transnational Law & Contemp. Probs. 2005 (2005)Clicking on the button will copy the full recommended citation.

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      Luz Estella Nagle

      Demobilization of Paramilitary Combatants in Colombia Working Paper

      Date of Publication:

      Recommended Citation

      Luz Estella Nagle, Demobilization of Paramilitary Combatants in Colombia, (unpublished) (2005)Clicking on the button will copy the full recommended citation.

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        Luz Estella Nagle

        Placing Blame Where Blame is Due: The Culpability of Illegal Armed Groups and Narcotraffickers in Colombia’s Environmental and Human Rights Catastrophes Article

        Date of Publication:

        Recommended Citation

        Luz Estella Nagle, Placing Blame Where Blame is Due: The Culpability of Illegal Armed Groups and Narcotraffickers in Colombia’s Environmental and Human Rights Catastrophes, 29 William and Mary Envtl. L. and Policy Review 1 (2004)Clicking on the button will copy the full recommended citation.


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        Luz Estella Nagle

        Colombia Asylum Seekers: What Practitioners Should Know about the Colombia Crisis Article

        Date of Publication:

        Recommended Citation

        Luz Estella Nagle, Colombia Asylum Seekers: What Practitioners Should Know about the Colombia Crisis, 18 Geo. Immigr. L.J. 441 (2004)Clicking on the button will copy the full recommended citation.


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        Luz Estella Nagle

        Entrevista con una experta sobre las extradiciones de Colombianos a EE.UU., politica contra el narcotrafico de Colombia, y otros temas Technical Report

        Date of Publication:

        Recommended Citation

        Luz Estella Nagle, Entrevista con una experta sobre las extradiciones de Colombianos a EE.UU., politica contra el narcotrafico de Colombia, y otros temas, (2003)Clicking on the button will copy the full recommended citation.

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          Luz Estella Nagle

          Foreward Article

          Date of Publication:

          Recommended Citation

          Luz Estella Nagle, Foreward, 32 Stetson L. Rev. 725 (2003)Clicking on the button will copy the full recommended citation.

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          Luz Estella Nagle

          The Challenges of Fighting Global Organized Crime in Latin America Article

          Date of Publication:

          Recommended Citation

          Luz Estella Nagle, The Challenges of Fighting Global Organized Crime in Latin America, 26 Fordham Int'l L.J. 1649 (2003)Clicking on the button will copy the full recommended citation.


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          Luz Estella Nagle

          Plan Colombia: Reality of the Colombian Crisis and Implications for Hemispheric Security: Shaping the Regional Security Environment in Latin America Series Book

          Date of Publication:

          Recommended Citation

          Luz Estella Nagle, Plan Colombia: Reality of the Colombian Crisis and Implications for Hemispheric Security: Shaping the Regional Security Environment in Latin America Series (Strategic Studies Institute, U.S. Army War College, 2002)Clicking on the button will copy the full recommended citation.