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Steven Lubet and Elizabeth Ippolito Boals

A Guide for Expert Witnesses and the Lawyers Who Examine Them Book

Date of Publication:

Recommended Citation

Steven Lubet and Elizabeth Ippolito Boals, A Guide for Expert Witnesses and the Lawyers Who Examine Them (3rd ed., NITA, 2014)Clicking on the button will copy the full recommended citation.

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    Anne E. Mullins

    The Flipped Classroom: Fad or Innovation Article

    Date of Publication:

    Recommended Citation

    Anne E. Mullins, The Flipped Classroom: Fad or Innovation, 92 University of Or. L. Rev. Online 101 (2014)Clicking on the button will copy the full recommended citation.

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      Ciara Torres-Spelliscy

      Electoral Silver Linings After Shelby, Citizens United and Bennett Article

      Date of Publication:

      Recommended Citation

      Ciara Torres-Spelliscy, Electoral Silver Linings After Shelby, Citizens United and Bennett, 16 Berkeley J. Afr.-Am. L. & Pol'y 103 (2014)Clicking on the button will copy the full recommended citation.

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      Ciara Torres-Spelliscy

      The Democracy We Left Behind in Greece and McCutcheon Article

      Date of Publication:

      Recommended Citation

      Ciara Torres-Spelliscy, The Democracy We Left Behind in Greece and McCutcheon, 89 N.Y.U. L. Rev. 112 (2014)Clicking on the button will copy the full recommended citation.

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      Roberta K. Flowers and Amos Goodall

      In Fear of Suits: The Attorney’s Role in Financial Exploitation Article

      Date of Publication:

      Recommended Citation

      Roberta Flowers and Amos Goodall, In Fear of Suits: The Attorney’s Role in Financial Exploitation, 10 National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys Journal 175 (2014)Clicking on the button will copy the full recommended citation.

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      Ciara Torres-Spelliscy, Kathy Fogel, Rwan El-Khatib

      Running the D.C. Circuit Gauntlet on Cost-Benefit Analysis after Citizens United: Empirical Evidence from Sarbanes-Oxley and the JOBS Act Article

      Date of Publication:

      Recommended Citation

      Ciara Torres-Spelliscy et al., Running the D.C. Circuit Gauntlet on Cost-Benefit Analysis after Citizens United: Empirical Evidence from Sarbanes-Oxley and the JOBS Act, 9 Duke J. Const. L. & Pub. Pol'y 135 (2014)Clicking on the button will copy the full recommended citation.

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      Peter F. Lake and Judith Areen

      Higher Education and the Law: Cases and Materials Book

      ISBN: 160930263X

      Date of Publication:

      Recommended Citation

      Peter Lake and Judith Areen, Higher Education and the Law: Cases and Materials (2nd ed., Foundation Press, 2014)Clicking on the button will copy the full recommended citation.

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        Peter F. Lake

        Title IX Compliance Series Media

        Date of Publication:

        Recommended Citation

        Peter Lake, Title IX Compliance Series (Magna Publications, Inc., 2014)Clicking on the button will copy the full recommended citation.

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          Peter F. Lake

          Title IX for Faculty: Your Role in Helping Students Media

          Date of Publication:

          Recommended Citation

          Peter Lake, Title IX for Faculty: Your Role in Helping Students (Magna Publications, Inc., 2014)Clicking on the button will copy the full recommended citation.

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            Peter F. Lake

            Title IX for Students: What You Need to Know Media

            Date of Publication:

            Recommended Citation

            Peter Lake, Title IX for Students: What You Need to Know (Magna Publications, Inc., 2014)Clicking on the button will copy the full recommended citation.