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Jaclyn Lopez

EPA’s Opportunity to Reverse the Fertilizer Industry’s Environmental Injustices Article

Date of Publication:

Recommended Citation

Jaclyn Lopez, EPA’s Opportunity to Reverse the Fertilizer Industry’s Environmental Injustices, 52 Envtl. L. Reporter 10125 (2022)Clicking on the button will copy the full recommended citation.

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Darryl C. Wilson

Keeping Current-Property Incollection

Date of Publication:

Recommended Citation

Darryl Wilson, Keeping Current-Property, 36 Probate and Property 18 (2022)Clicking on the button will copy the full recommended citation.

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Kristen R. Moore, Wanita M. Scroggs, Sally G. Waters

Lawyer’s Guide to Florida Legal Research BookForthcoming

Date of Publication:

Recommended Citation

Kristen R. Moore et al., Lawyer’s Guide to Florida Legal Research (Vandeplas Publishing, 2022)Clicking on the button will copy the full recommended citation.

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    Jaclyn Lopez and Jason Totoiu

    Holding States Accountable for Harmful Algal Blooms: Florida’s Water Crisis in Focus Article

    Date of Publication:

    Recommended Citation

    Jaclyn Lopez and Jason Totoiu, Holding States Accountable for Harmful Algal Blooms: Florida’s Water Crisis in Focus, 33 U. Fla. J.L. & Pub. Pol'y 1 (2022)Clicking on the button will copy the full recommended citation.

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    Rebecca C. Morgan and Ed Boyer

    Maximizing Autonomy and Ensuring Accountability Rights-Based Post-Appointment Issues In The “New Normal” Article

    Date of Publication:

    Recommended Citation

    Rebecca C. Morgan and Ed Boyer, Maximizing Autonomy and Ensuring Accountability Rights-Based Post-Appointment Issues In The “New Normal”, 72 Syracuse L. Rev. 41 (2022)Clicking on the button will copy the full recommended citation.

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    Theresa J. Pulley Radwan

    When is a Debt “Obtained By” Fraud?: Reconsideration of the Fraud Nondischargeability Exception under Section 523(a)(2) of the Bankruptcy Code Article

    Date of Publication:

    Recommended Citation

    Theresa J. Pulley Radwan, When is a Debt “Obtained By” Fraud?: Reconsideration of the Fraud Nondischargeability Exception under Section 523(a)(2) of the Bankruptcy Code, 124 West Va. L. Rev. 385 (2022)Clicking on the button will copy the full recommended citation.

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    Em Wright

    Embracing Failures and Employing Humility Article (Online)

    Date of Publication:

    Recommended Citation

    Em Wright, Embracing Failures and Employing Humility (2022)Clicking on the button will copy the full recommended citation.

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    Susan D. Rozelle and Carolyn Ramsey

    Feminist Rewrite of People v. Berry, 556 P.2d 777 (Cal. 1976) Book ChapterForthcoming

    Date of Publication:

    Recommended Citation

    Susan D. Rozelle and Carolyn Ramsey, Feminist Rewrite of People v. Berry, 556 P.2d 777 (Cal. 1976), in Feminist Judgments: Rewritten Criminal Law Opinions Rewritten (Cambridge University Press, 2022)Clicking on the button will copy the full recommended citation.

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      Elizabeth Ippolito Boals

      Addison v. Peyton: Case File and Teaching Guide Miscellaneous

      Date of Publication:

      Recommended Citation

      Elizabeth Ippolito Boals, Addison v. Peyton: Case File and Teaching Guide (3rd ed., NITA, 2022)Clicking on the button will copy the full recommended citation.

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        Elizabeth Ippolito Boals

        State v. Peyton: Case File and Teaching Guide Miscellaneous

        Date of Publication:

        Recommended Citation

        Elizabeth Ippolito Boals, State v. Peyton: Case File and Teaching Guide (3rd ed., NITA, 2022)Clicking on the button will copy the full recommended citation.