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Roy Balleste

Ethics and Space Law Entry in Encyclopedia or DictionaryForthcoming

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Recommended Citation

Roy Balleste, Ethics and Space Law, in Elgar Concise Encyclopedia of Space Law (Mahulena Hofmann and P.J. Blount eds., Edward Elgar Publishing, 2025)Clicking on the button will copy the full recommended citation.

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    Ashley Krenelka Chase

    A Knight in Shining Nascency: Under-the-Radar Platforms as a Solution to Access to Justice for Incarcerated Litigants ArticleForthcoming

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    Recommended Citation

    Ashley Krenelka Chase, A Knight in Shining Nascency: Under-the-Radar Platforms as a Solution to Access to Justice for Incarcerated Litigants, Va. L. & Bus. Rev. __ (2025)Clicking on the button will copy the full recommended citation.

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    Andrew D. Appleby

    Formulary Apportionment: A New Framework for Personal Income Taxation ArticleForthcoming

    Date of Publication:

    Recommended Citation

    Andrew D. Appleby, Formulary Apportionment: A New Framework for Personal Income Taxation, 52 Pepp. L. Rev. (2025)Clicking on the button will copy the full recommended citation.