26th Annual Stetson IEMCC theme, record and rules released

Wetland area on fire via Wikimedia. The Record and Rules for the 26th Annual Stetson International Environmental Moot Court Competition (IEMCC) have been released and are now available on the IEMCC website. The theme for this year’s problem is “Protected Areas and Armed Conflict.” The global, multi-part contest gives students around the world an opportunity to learn more about and advocate for environmental issues impacting… » Read more

Institute for Biodiversity Law and Policy releases annual report

Royal Gardner Stetson Law’s Institute for Biodiversity Law and Policy released its 2020-2021 Annual Report this month, and the contents highlight how, despite the global pandemic, the Institute continued to provide environmental education, research, and service locally, nationally, and internationally this past year. Led by Professor of Law and Director, Royal C. Gardner, the Institute for Biodiversity Law and Policy is Stetson Law’s interdisciplinary focal… » Read more

Stetson University announces new Executive Officer for Diversity, Inclusion and Collaboration

Carmen Johnson Stetson University has selected Carmen Johnson, J.D., as its new executive officer for Diversity, Inclusion and Collaboration. In that position, Johnson will lead the development and implementation of proactive diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives in collaboration with the university’s existing support systems and in support of the university’s strategic plan to create a learning and working environment where all have an opportunity to… » Read more

Professor Peter Lake wins ‘Everyday Hero in Education’ award

Peter Lake Peter Lake, professor of law and director of the Center for Excellence in Higher Education, was honored as a winner in the “Everyday Hero in Education” contest from Margaritaville. Throughout the past year, the hospitality company called for nominations nationally for favorite teachers, counselors, administrators and coaches. Officials announced July 9 they had received thousands of stories of remarkable educators who were changing communities… » Read more

Professor Kirsten K. Davis receives award for innovation

Kirsten K. Davis Professor Kirsten K. Davis was selected as a recipient of the 2021 COVID-19 Innovation Award from the Stetson University Board of Trustees. Board members realized that despite the disruption of the past several semesters, the university community worked to prioritize safety, emphasize student outcomes, invest in technology, and encourage faculty’s freedom to innovate for the benefit of continued learning. They created the… » Read more

Professor Roberta K. Flowers named vice president of 2021-2022 NAELA Board of Directors

Roberta K. Flowers Stetson Law Professor Roberta K. Flowers has been appointed vice president of the Board of Directors of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys (NAELA), an association of attorneys dedicated to improving the quality of legal services provided to older adults and people with disabilities. Her term began on June 1, 2021, and as vice president, she will play a critical role… » Read more

Professor Kirsten K. Davis appointed to special committee on professionalism

Kirsten K. Davis Professor Kirsten K. Davis has been appointed by the new president of The Florida Bar, Mike Tanner, to serve on a newly created statewide Special Committee for the Review of Professionalism in Florida.    The Florida Bar, through its Board of Governors, approved and created this Committee to develop specific recommendations to the Board and to The Florida Supreme Court for: 1) any… » Read more

7 individuals recognized during 2021 SLAA Awards ceremony

The Stetson Lawyers Alumni Association (SLAA) presented awards on June 10, 2021, to seven individuals who have made a positive impact in the community and supported Stetson University College of Law.  SLAA has honored alumni accomplishments with awards for more than 25 years. The ceremony typically takes place at the Stetson Law Alumni Reception at the Florida Bar Convention but was virtual again this year because of the pandemic. The 2021 award recipients are The… » Read more

Stetson Law celebrates Pride Month with inaugural flag raising

Cheers went up in the Sebring Horseshoe courtyard on June 2 as students, faculty and staff at Stetson Law kicked off Pride Month 2021 and made school history with the inaugural raising of the Progress Pride Flag. “This flag really represents Stetson’s commitment to not only its students, but the entire LGBTQ+ community as we continue to fight for our… just right to be alive,”… » Read more

Higher education institutions in Pinellas County unite for racial justice

Representatives from four higher education institutions who collectively serve 36,000 students in St. Petersburg, Florida are joining together to create a consortium focused on dismantling racial hierarchies.  After working for months to create a shared vision and reaching out to community and campus stakeholders, their efforts have been recognized by the American Association of Colleges and Universities as one of 78 institutions (and the only… » Read more

Prof. Elizabeth Berenguer’s new book serves as guide for scholarly writing

Elizabeth Berenguer Stetson Law Associate Professor Elizabeth Berenguer has published a new book aimed at helping students on Law Review, new professors embarking on the scholarly writing process, and experienced professors frustrated with scholarship. “The Legal Scholars Guidebook,” a companion for seminar or other paper-based courses, demystifies academic legal writing by providing concrete advice on topic selection, research strategies, and analytical frameworks. The book features:… » Read more

Stetson University College of Law named the 2021 ABA Competitions Champion

Stetson University College of Law was named the 2021 ABA Competitions Champion! The award is given to the law school that earned the most points through team achievements and participation in the ABA Law Student Division’s four competitions – Arbitration, Negotiation, Client Counseling, and the National Appellate Advocacy Competition (NAAC).  Brooke Bowman “We are incredibly proud, not just of the fact that Stetson has won, but how we won,” said… » Read more