Category: Campus & Community
Aerial image of Stetson University construction site.

Campus Improvements: I know what Stetson did last summer

Close your eyes and step back in time. It’s June 2015, and you’re home, lounging by the pool and unwinding under the summer sun. Stetson’s Facilities Management department was, perhaps, the last thing to cross your mind. However, you were first on theirs. During this past summer, Facilities Management improved and created numerous features to […]

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Stetson University In the News, Sept. 18-24

Top Stories: • William Andrews, Ph.D., associate professor of Management and chair of the Department of International Business, provided commentary regarding China on trade, as reported by CBS Money Watch on Sept. 23. • Chris Ferguson, Ph.D., associate professor and co-chair of Psychology, was one of a select group of experts who provided his expertise […]

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Greenfeather Grant Recipient: Duvall Homes

Stetson University’s Greenfeather Grant recipient for 2015 is Duvall Homes, it was announced today by Veronica Hernandez, AmeriCorps VISTA who serves as Stetson’s Greenfeather advisor. A long held tradition at Stetson University, Greenfeather originated in 1952, as an autumn carnival where students raised funds for local charities. Over the decades, Greenfeather has expanded to include a […]

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Stetson University In the News, Sept. 11-17, 2015

Top Stories • T. Wayne Bailey, Ph.D., professor of Political Science and director of International Studies, provided his insights regarding potential violation of local and state ethics laws on Sept. 14 in the WTSP-TV article “Questions of Influence: Tampa’s political kingmaker, How a Local Political Consultant is Calling the Shots… and Getting Your Tax Dollars.” […]

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Stetson hosts Naturalization Ceremony for 11th year

For the 11th year, Stetson University will host the Naturalization Ceremony in partnership with the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, when 50 immigrants from 27 countries will take the oath of citizenship to the United States. This year’s ceremony will take place at 12 p.m., Monday, Sept. 21, in Lee Chapel inside Elizabeth Hall, 421 N. […]

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The Print Shop is on the move… again

  The Print Shop has a new location — 300 N. Amelia Ave., just at the corner of Amelia and Wisconsin avenues — otherwise known as Siberia. Previously known as Stepp Office Supply, the Stetson Print Shop’s new location is one of the many changes on Stetson’s DeLand campus this semester. However, most Stetson students and […]

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Scott-Jaclyn Stapp

Alumni Legacy: A Family of Rock Stars

When Jaclyn Nesheiwat Stapp ’02 was only eight, she used to visit a children’s hospital where her mother worked. There she would play with the children, who quickly became her friends. One day she met a little girl who had cerebral palsy. She wanted to get to know her better so she spent the day combing […]

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Welcome to the New

Welcome to the new! Well, it isn’t exactly the new website, it’s just a video about it. But you may see and use the new site, which went live Tuesday, Sept. 8. While this website is primarily used by an external audience, we know you will enjoy seeing many of the new features. The […]

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Stetson University in the News, Sept. 4-10, 2015

Top Stories: • Stetson University was featured in the Daytona Beach News-Journal on Sept. 5, for record-level undergraduate enrollment (at 3,084), as of Census Day, Sept. 4. • On Sept. 6, The Houston Chronicle quoted Law Professor Charles Rose in an article titled “Sound of silence in Twin Peaks biker case drawing ire.” The news quoting Professor […]

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Class of 2019

Stetson University Enrollment Up 4.7 Percent

Growth surpasses goal for 2016. When Stetson University President Wendy B. Libby, Ph.D., came to the college in 2009, her administration set a goal for enrollment, believing they could grow to 3,000 undergraduates by 2016. That goal has been met a year ahead of schedule with 3,084 undergraduate students in Fall 2015, a 4.7 percent increase […]

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Stetson University Ranked 5 by US News & World Report

Graduation and retention rates, faculty cited as key indicators of quality.  Stetson University is tied for fifth on U.S. News & World Report’s 2016 list of Best Regional Universities (South), a one-place move up from last year’s ranking. “At Stetson, we take pride in being recognized as an academically rigorous institution that places a high […]

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One Stetson, Many Stories: Values Day 2015

“One Stetson, Many Stories” is the theme for this year’s Values Day, Tuesday, Sept. 15, when the Stetson community will celebrate its many diverse backgrounds. Established by Stetson University’s eighth president, H. Douglas Lee, Values Day has become a yearly tradition where in the month of September, the entire community comes together to celebrate Stetson’s […]

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Stetson commemorates 9/11 with Day of Service

To commemorate the 14th anniversary of the attacks on Sept. 11, 2001, Stetson University has planned a Day of Service as well as several ceremonies, which are all open to the public and the university community. The events will be held to honor and memorialize the 3,000 people who died that day in New York, […]

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New, promoted administrators announced at Stetson

A tip of the hat goes to the following Stetson University administrators recently hired or promoted. New Hatter Shannon Sheppard, director of Compliance and Title IX coordinator, comes to Stetson with compliance experience from Full Sail University, says Bob Huth, Stetson executive vice president and CFO. “She was discovered by our search committee and recommended […]

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New Academic Opportunities

Students as well as faculty can expect some new enrichment and academic opportunities at Stetson University this year. For starters, two new master’s degrees, a new certification program and an impressive variety of undergraduate minors have been added to Stetson’s academic repertoire. Master of Education in Elementary Education – Educating for Social Justice – This […]

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Stetson University In the News, Aug. 28-Sept. 3, 2015

Top Stories: • On Aug. 27, research by Chris Ferguson, Ph.D., associate professor and chair of Psychology, on the dangers of academic “consensus” was featured on Minding the Campus. • Professor Ferguson’s commentary on criminals broadcasting their crimes on social media is featured in the top story “Social media gives attention-seeking killers dangerous new platform” on CBS12 […]

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