Author: Michael Candelaria

Everyday Heroes at Stetson

The timing of Stetson’s big pivot last spring wasn’t exactly ideal for some of the people who were most responsible in making it happen. For sure, the general circumstances nationwide were not good, as colleges and university braced for COVID-19. Yet, on March 12, 2020, when former President Wendy B. Libby, PhD, announced that all classes […]

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Summoning Captain Kirk and Uhura

Editor’s note: In recognition of Black History Month, we celebrate the work of Professor Harry Price, PhD. The full length of this article will appear in the Spring 2021 issue of Stetson University Magazine, to be published in April.  When Harry Price, PhD, associate professor of chemistry and director of biochemistry, was growing up in Chicago […]

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Timely Sabbatical in Taiwan

In a sense, the timing could not have been much better.  Stetson’s Rachel Core, PhD, an associate professor in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology, barely made it through travel restrictions on the way to her sabbatical in Taiwan. Due to a new strain of COVID-19, Taiwan had closed to foreigners, but Core had a visa […]

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Rising Political Mind

George Alderman ’21 remembers March 12, 2020, all too vividly.  That was the day — and late evening — Alderman went from popular Student Government Association president to true leader. Former Stetson President Wendy B. Libby, PhD, had just announced that all classes on campus would move online for the remainder of the 2020 Spring […]

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