Stetson University acknowledges the following contributors to the Digital Archives:
Elizabeth Maycumber – Stetson University Library Archivist (2023-Present)
Sarah Bennett – Stetson University Library Archives Specialist (2024-Present)
Susan Ryan – Former Stetson University Dean of Library & Digital Learning Resources (retired 2023)
Kelly Larson – Former Stetson University Library Archives Specialist (2017-2023)
Angela Story – Former Stetson University Library Archives Specialist (retired 2017)
Monetary Support:
Barbara Brundage Colegrove – Funded the digitization of the 1931-2002 yearbook collection
Stetson University Library Associates – Funded the hardware and software for the Digital Archives, as well as the digitization of the post-1931 Bulletins, Student Handbooks, and student newspapers.
Shaw Collection Supporters – Funded hardware for the digitization of items from the Clay Shaw Collection.
Content Contributors:
The following individuals or groups contributed photographs or memorabilia to the digital archives. Click on the name to see the items donated.
- AAUW DeLand Branch
- Academic Affairs
- Academic Resources
- Carole Christie Moore Adams
- John B. Adams, Jr.
- Steve Alexander
- Ezra Allen
- J. Almand
- Alpha Xi Delta
- Alumni Relations
- Athletics Department
- April Atkinson
- T. Wayne Bailey
- Grady Ballenger
- Aaron Batchelder
- Sande Bautista
- Phillipe Baylaucq
- Nancy Walker Bayless
- Evelyn R. Bedell
- Christine Beebe
- Paul Berndt
- Hertha Berry
- Alison Regar Betancor
- Joanne Bigley
- Clayton L. Blount
- Flora Blount
- Gary Bogart
- Harold A. Boire
- Olga Bowen
- Jane Bradford
- Patricia Brady-Kempf
- Jackee Brame
- Rob Brame
- Randy Brennan
- Daphne M. Brownell
- Scott Bruin
- Wesley Brumback
- Marion Carnett Bryant
- Dean Bunch
- Kathy Geromanos Burley
- Carl Burst
- June Burton
- Helen Walkup Cairns
- Priscilla Campbell
- Campus Life and Student Success
- Jim Cara
- Carnegie Corporation of New York
- G. Prentice Carson
- Jay Carter
- Cecil Cassady
- Ernesto Castro
- Valorie Chamblin
- Chemistry Department
- Melvin Christmas
- City of Orleans
- Rosemary Clarke
- Adam C. Colando
- Barbara Brundage Colegrove
- Bertie Lee Coleman
- Center for Service Learning
- College of Law Library
- William Collum
- Bonnie Coolidge
- Paul R. Corll
- Vivian Morgan Corll
- Barbara Costello
- Jim Cox
- Mary Elizabeth Tribble Cox
- Sherri Cox
- Cecil L. Crissey
- Paul Croce
- Margaret Crowther
- Jean Cullifer
- Ray Cullifer
- Cortez Tedder Dannals
- Dawn Davis
- Jerrold H. Davis
- Linda Davis
- Sunni Caputo DeNicola
- Darby Dickerson
- Georgia Stetson Diefendorf
- Debbi Dinkins
- DeLand Aquatic Club
- DeLand House
- Delta Delta Delta
- Susan Connell Derryberry
- Development Office
- Hazel Dougharty
- Jean Turner Drufner
- Christine Duckwitz
- Olivier Dupiton
- Carrie Eccles
- Lottie Eccles
- Graves Edmundsen
- Gloria Efird
- Ronnie Efird
- Sue Elliot
- Bob Ervin
- Cathy Ervin
- Kenneth Everett
- Family of Dinky McMahan
- Family of Ed Henderson
- Family of J. Ollie Edmunds
- Family of Marian Wright Hull
- Family of Pope Duncan
- Family of Richard M. Feasel
- Family of T. C. Lane
- Family of Trustee Silas Wright
- Charles E. Feinberg
- Ralph Ferrell
- Mr. and Mrs. Allan Ferver
- Stanley Fischer
- Thelma Preston Fiske
- David Fithian
- John G. Fletcher II
- Al Fleming
- Bill Foster
- Cathy Foster
- Kerry Leistner Fradley
- Rosemary Franklin
- Bill Fraser
- Nelson F. Freeburg
- Thomas B. Freeman
- John Furches
- Amanda Gable
- Barbara Mullins Gammon
- Amada Frances Gardner
- Lee Gartside
- Tanna Gartside
- Fred Gerstell
- Arlene Gibbs
- Gus Gibbs
- Jack Gibson
- Gillespie Museum
- Gary Ginter
- Laura Ginter
- Laura Glander
- Warren Stone Gordis
- Patricia Gosney
- M. Jean Greenlaw
- Nick Greenwich
- Gail Grieb
- Terry Grieb
- Mary Frances Griffith
- Paul Grittner
- William Tandy Grubbs
- Stanley Gryskiewicz
- Dan Gunderson
- Mary Hulley Hagan
- Marion Hagstrom
- Marybeth Everroad Halbert
- Homer and Dolly Hand Art Center
- Larry Hastings
- Nancy Hastings
- Lew Hawver
- Jackie Hayes
- Robert S. Heebner, Jr.
- Robert F. Henderson, Jr.
- Hugh Hickman
- History Department
- Eric Hoffman
- Laurie Hoiston
- Hollis Center
- Rodney C. Holmes
- George Hood
- Steve E. Horn
- Frances C. Hogan Howell-Colman
- Eleanor Anne Hurst
- George Ingraham
- Sally Mathewes Sartain Jane
- Sarah Sartain Jane
- Jeanne Jendrzejewski
- Janice Jenkins
- Kathleen Jenkins
- Paul Jenkins
- Mrs. John E. Johns
- Alan H. Johnson
- Betty Drees Johnson
- Marilyn Talton Johnston
- Sidney Johnston
- Frances Gardener Jordan
- Jimmy Jordan
- Johnola Musgrove Jordan
- Ray Jordan
- Robert Jordon
- Ann Joyner
- Larry Keith
- James Munn King
- Jeane Shaw Klender
- Sims Kline
- Richard Knapp
- Karen B. Kozlowski
- Ralph C. Langham
- Esther Langston
- Mrs. Alldis Laprell
- Rich Layer
- H. Douglas Lee
- Margaret Lee
- Shirley H. Lee
- Robert Lenholt
- Richard M. Libby
- Wendy B. Libby
- Paul Lilling
- Lloyd Linney
- Robert W. Loftin
- Caryn Long
- Lewis Long
- Verena Long
- Dodi Costine Lovett
- Gail Lundeen
- Donna Van Dyne Lundgren
- Janet Lyons
- James Mallet
- David Mann
- Gary Maris
- Donna Marlene
- Thomas Masse
- Larry Massey
- Margaret Massey
- Jeanne Van Dorn Mauk
- Sherry Mauraides
- Verna Fletcher May
- Lee McEniry
- Bart McFadden
- Edith McNeil
- Jay Mechling
- Mrs. Paul R. Merriam
- Jane Messersmith
- Goldye Michel
- Florence Pinachian Ott Milton
- Model Senate
- Ann Molohon
- Mr. and Mrs. Donald Montgomery
- Anne Taylor Moore
- Jessie Morland
- Earnest Murphy
- Music Library
- Helen Dozier Neal
- Jane Edwards Novak
- June Edwards Novak
- James E. Nutall
- Office of Academic Affairs
- Office of University Marketing
- Josephine Causier Ohare
- Collins Okafor
- Melinda Fradley O’Neill
- Our Father’s Closet
- Ann Osborn Owens
- Hunt Parry
- Vicky Pate
- Marcia Baldwin Paulson
- Roy E. Paulson
- Karen Pearce
- Kate Pearce
- Richard Warren Pearce, Sr.
- Dan Peffer
- Mary Lou Weaver Peffer
- Physics Department
- Creative Arts Department
- Nancy Elizabeth Powell Lane
- President’s Office
- Public Relations
- Marilyn Randolph
- Brooke Rankin
- Curt N. Rausch
- Judy Raymond
- Adam Frederick Regar
- Allen William Regar
- Donald Allen Regar
- Donald Allen Regar, Jr.
- John A. Regar
- Laura Morland Rhodes
- Betty Council Richardson
- Todd Richardson
- Lucy Richert
- Michael Rickman
- Ned Ricks
- Kevin Riggs
- David Rigsby
- Nicole Rodriguez
- Beverly Romans
- Jim Rorabaugh
- Janette Roseborough
- Esther Winn Rowley
- Susan Ryan
- Sage Family
- Tom M. Saunders
- Willits H. Sawyer
- Lynn Pier Schaefer
- School of Music
- Alesia A. Sedziaka
- G. Selsor
- Kris Sexton
- Lillian Phillips Shelton
- Gail Sherman
- Bruce W. Sherwood
- John G. Simms, Jr.
- Robert Sitler
- Ann Smiley
- Betty Carol Smith
- Claud Anna Smith
- R. Grady Snowden, Jr.
- Michael Solari
- Lenore Sorensen
- Bill Souders
- Special Events
- Jan Spiroff
- Nick Spiroff
- Grace George Stanley
- Dan W. Stebbins
- Janet White Stebbins
- Chris Stefancik
- G. Henry Stetson
- John B. Stetson IV
- Solveig Stetson
- Stetson University Marketing
- Stetson University Softball Team
- Stetson University Varsity Club
- Stetson University Women’s Basketball Team
- Richard Stewart
- Mary Stoll
- Tom Stoll
- Louis W. Stone
- Angela Story
- Stover Theatre
- Harley Strickland
- Hugh Strickland
- Student Government Assocation
- Marilyn Stuart Sullins
- Chris Sullivan
- James Surratt
- Martha Swain
- Brian Taylor
- Christi Taylor
- Barbara Robson Thomas
- Carole Thompson
- J. T. Thompson
- Dale Thurston
- Marsha Titus
- Thomas F. Toscani
- Beverly Tredray
- Tufts Family
- Tanner Vickers
- University Relations
- Vietnam Helicopter Pilots Association of Florida
- Anna Wahl
- Mary Waller
- Barbara A. Walters
- Mary K Wareing
- James Stewart Welch III
- Helen Hunt West
- Nancy Wheaton
- Francis P. Whitehair
- Calvin Whitten
- Bill Widdowson
- Glenn Wilkes
- Karen Willes
- Victoria Williams
- Paul Williamson
- Allen C. Winters
- Gary L. Witchen
- David W. Wood
- Lynda S. Wood
- Nancy Zoller