The library will be closed on April 14 for Good Friday.
Regular hours resume on Saturday April 15.
For a list of library hours and special openings and closings, see the Calendar & Hours page.
The library will be closed on April 14 for Good Friday.
Regular hours resume on Saturday April 15.
For a list of library hours and special openings and closings, see the Calendar & Hours page.
The duPont-Ball Library and the IT Department have worked together to create a Technology Help Desk in the library. Technology help will be available Sunday – Thursday from 6:00 pm – 10:00 pm at the main desk in the library. Whether you are working in the library and need technology support or simply have a technology related question, stop by the Technology Help Desk during the hours listed above.
Read all about the latest Library happenings here!
The 2015 Faculty Review is now available. The Faculty Review lists all of the publications and creative activities of the Stetson faculty.
You asked, and we listened. All our Feature Film DVDs are now arranged by title and have been relocated to the north side of the library across from the educational DVDs.
The duPont-Ball Library now receives a daily delivery of the New York Times. This means you can read an edition of the paper the same day it was published.
The Florida Library Association (FLA) honored outstanding libraries, individuals, businesses and library supporters during its annual conference held May 13-15, 2015 at the Caribe Royale Hotel and Convention Center. Award recipients were selected from a large number of applicants for the quality of their service to their local communities and to the library profession. The Library Innovation Award was presented to the duPont Ball Library and Learning Technologies, Stetson University. Libraries have long provided technology to support academic programs. 3D printers are one more technology resource to add to the mix. Librarians discovered, however, that 3D printing has not yet been well-developed as a true learning technology integrated into curricular assignments. The Stetson Library implemented 3D printing as a curricular tool that supports faculty-developed assignments. The library takes a proactive approach in integrating technologies into engaged classroom learning. It is relatively rare to have direct curricular collaborations of this type. The goal is that the library not just be a repository for technology, but a catalyst for teaching and learning.
The North Side of the duPont-Ball Library has been designated a quiet zone. This side of the library (located between the balconies in the “P” section) is for quiet individual study. Please do not use cell phones or work on group projects on the North Side. Please let us know if you have any questions.
If you have lost an item in or near the Library, please be sure to check our Lost & Found. Any of the Library’s staff or student employees will be happy to assist you. Of course, if you find a stray item, please do your part to help reunite it with its owner by turning it in!
Interested in 3D printing? Want to know about the many ways this technology can help with your classes? The duPont-Ball is here to help. We have three 3D printers and a 3D scanner. You can use the two MakerBot printers to 3D print from pre-made files, from your own models, or from a scan of your favorite object. The options are endless.
The duPont-Ball Library also owns a UPrint SE Plus 3D printer. The printer offers high-end ABS filament printing with dissolvable rafting/scaffolding. Because of the cost of this machine and the cost of the materials to support it, this printer is restricted to academic print jobs by appointment Monday-Friday beginning at 8:30 am. Print jobs must be completed by 5:00 pm. Other print jobs may be done any time the library is open on the library’s two MakerBot printers which do NOT require reservations.
To reserve a time to use the printer visit this page.
Ask at the Circulation Desk for more information and to use the printers and scanner. These tools are available for student use during the hours the library is open. All 3D printing jobs must be finished 15 minutes before closing time.