Date: 2022-12
Full Suggestion:
Please FIX THE WI-FI in this library!!! We want to be able to study here.
As you may know, the library doesn't control the wireless network, of course – that is IT – but we work closely with IT to ensure it is working properly. Staff from IT have been in the library MANY times trying to improve the wireless coverage in the building.
We work regularly to try to adjust the Wi-Fi to get the best coverage possible. We have done entire “sweeps” of the building using a laptop with Wi-Fi speed tests. As a result of those tests, IT has made adjustments, and continues to make adjustments when students tell us a particular area in which they are getting a weak/no signal. In November, IT programmed and installed a new Access Point (AP) on the East side of the library near the two big TVs. Earlier this year, IT relocated and/or replaced other APs.
We currently have an open ticket with IT asking them to do check the Wi-Fi connectivity in the building to identify and improve Wi-Fi throughout the library building. Unfortunately, they have not responded (as of 12/6/22).
Bottom line, we are regularly working on this issue. We pride ourselves on providing a stress-free, hassle-free library environment for our students, and we know the Wi-Fi issues are not conducive to those goals.