Category Archives: Announcements

DeStress Fest, May 2nd

Come to the library on Thursday, May 2 (Study Day) to relax, study, and de-stress before finals. DeStress Fest will take place on the main floor of the library, throughout the day, with a range of activities.

Scheduled activities include:

Meet a dog!

Three dogs, newly appointed as members of Stetson’s Paw-some Board of Directors, will visit the library. Stop by and visit with them.
·   11 am to noon – Dog Warden (accompanied by his human Melissa Simon)
·   12 noon to 1 pm – Dogs Ellie Rose and Gypsy (accompanied by their humans Jenn Williams and Darnie Petro)
· 10 am to 4 pm, by request – Warden, because his human works in the library

Create and Craft

1st floor
·      All day – Collage making
·      10 am to 12 noon – Clay pot decorating* (with free plant)
·      11 am to 1 pm  – Scratch-Off Card Craft*
·      1 pm to 3 pm  – Make a DIY Stressball*
*while supplies last


1st floor, all day (while supplies last)

Games Galore

1st floor, all day
·      Wii Video Games
·      Board Games
·      Word games
·      Puzzles

Final Countdown

Writing Center, 1st floor, 5 pm to 9 pm
·      Meet with a tutor in the writing Center
·      No appointment necessary – walk-ins only

Counter Programming

1st floor TVs
·      Relaxing video content on library screens

This event is hosted by the Library, the Writing Center, and the Hollis Family Student Success Center.